Go to the website Reddit and check the subreddit Data Is Beautiful.

Step 1:

Go to the website Reddit and check the subreddit Data Is Beautiful.








This website features user-created graphs and images that display various sets of data.




Focusing on the static images and nothing that is a video, find one image that does a masterful job of correctly presenting the data and another that, despite the creator’s claims, fails to do so for some reason.Try not to simply pick the figures on the top of the page.




Step 2:

Find a dataset and use R to create a good-looking graph that expresses an important fact found in the data.Be as creative as possible.Datasets can be from any source.For a collection of websites of interesting datasets, check out the following link:







Be sure that your graph is properly labeled and that your choice of graph makes sense given the nature of the data.




Step 3:

Write a brief report that contains the following:


1.The good figure and an explanation about why the figure is so effective.


2.The poor figure and an explanation about why the figure fails in its mission.


3.Your own figure, explaining why your figure is exceptional in achieving its goal in communicating the data effectively.You may also include comments regarding how you could improve the figure if you feel it is not quite to the high standards you believe it should be.The overall writeup should be 3-4 pages long, including figures.(Roughly one page per figure, possibly slightly longer for your own figure.)


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