Following the instructions below, please write a journal entry as a school counseling intern in a middle school who is following her school counselor supervisor. This week please write about the importance of healthy relationships with peers for 5th and 6th-grade girls. The co

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Following the instructions below, please write a journal entry as a school counseling intern in a middle school who is following her school counselor supervisor.
This week please write about the importance of healthy relationships with peers for 5th and 6th-grade girls. The counselor will do a small group counseling session called GEMS with ten middle school girls who are mean to each other, and the counselor is trying to build positive peer relationships and nonbullying techniques.
Attached are some worksheets counselor would incorporate for them to get to know each other

Take some time to reflect on this week’s experiences, feelings, and ideas. Write a subset native post not only on the content of your field experiences but, more importantly, on what you gained from your counseling sessions and how you can apply that knowledge in your role as a professional counselor.

For faster services, inquiry about  new assignments submission or  follow ups on your assignments please text us/call us on +1 (251) 265-5102


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