Analyse the current business-level strategy using Porter’s Generic Strategy and Miles and Snow Strategy typologies. Based on your analysis make and justify a recommendation for the most appropriate future business-level strategy [Rubric Criteria 1]. 2. Propose ONE new strategic initiative for the organisation to implement. This initiative can be a major functional initiative, such as m

This assignment is about the new airline Bonza from Australia.

In this assignment we build on the analysis we undertook for Assignment 1 . In Assignment 2 we now focus on the organisation. You are required to undertake an analysis of the strategic choices available to our case study organisation and make a recommendation as to which strategy to pursue.

You are expected to apply the theory and concepts covered in the course and to apply them when conducting an analysis of the strategic choices for Bonza, our case study organisation. In particular, apply the following:

1. Analyse the current business-level strategy using Porter’s Generic Strategy and Miles and Snow Strategy typologies. Based on your analysis make and justify a recommendation for the most appropriate future business-level strategy [Rubric Criteria 1].

2. Propose ONE new strategic initiative for the organisation to implement. This initiative can be a major functional initiative, such as marketing, use of technology, product (service) innovation/development, and mergers and acquisitions. Describe the features of the strategic initiative in detail and explain why it is strategic [Rubric Criteria 2].

3. Utilising the SAFE framework Download SAFE framework(Suitability, Acceptability, Feasibility and Evaluation), justify your future business-level strategy recommendation. Provide financial and stakeholder examples . In applying this framework you are expected to undertake a high-level risk analysis of the strategy that you are recommending. Identify what the main threats are and the organisation’s vulnerability to those threats [Rubric Criteria 3].

4. Future Directions: Provide a concise overview of future strategy options available to Bonza – a corporate strategy and an international strategy [Rubric Criteria 4]


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