Module Code: AMB303
Assessment 1: Industry Report
Length or Duration: 2,000 words
This assessment target to assess the students’ ability to investigate and understand logistics and sustainability concepts in a chosen industry (not a company) as operated in Australia. Think of yourself as a value-chain industry expert (consultant) writing a report how the chosen industry operates with a sustainability focus. Your target reader is a fictitious client (a company) interested to invest in that industry. The assessment must be both investigative, critical, and insightful.
This is an authentic assessment because you will learn what to look for when assessing a business regarding how they function (operates).
The assessment requires students to give an account of how the instructions applies in a specific industry. You are required to:
Select ONE of the following topics to research and present in report format:
The Value-Chain in the Car Tyre industry in Australia
The Value-Chain in the Soft Drink industry in Australia
The Value-Chain in the Fast Fashion industry in Australia
Research the selected topic to explain the logistics structure, how they operate in relation to the topics, and specifically address the environmental issues arising from the business activities in that industry, and hence what the industry in general are doing from a sustainability perspective. You must also provide specific examples covering sustainability from 2-3 companies in your selected industry. Ensure your paper covers the following criteria: what does the value-chain look like (in detail)? What are the environmental challenges ‘they’ currently face? What are the individual companies doing to be more sustainable? What does the industry leader (a specific company) do regarding sustainability?
You must address how the value-chain concept applies in the chosen industry. You must further address sustainability issues specific for that industry and what market actors are doing in this regard in that industry.
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