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Deliver a service to customers

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 13 of 25 RTO Number 121952
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
Student Assessment
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 5.0 July 2021

Student Details

I have read and understand unit information and assessment instruction

Student ID

Student Name


Conditions of

For this assessment, the student will have access to the relevant learning
resources, listed under the learning resource of this document.
Role Play will be completed during class time as outlined in the unit delivery and
assessment plan.
The assessment is conducted in the SCEI simulated environment that reflects
workplace conditions.
The students must be directly observed by the trainer/assessor during the
assessment process in a safe and competent manner.

Instructions for

Students are to read the provided role play scenario.
o Individual preparation time: 15 to 20 minutes.
o Duration of the role play: between 8 10 minutes.
o Reflection documentation will be 200 words +/- 10%
This assessment requires you to meet ALL requirements (outlined in the
assessment requirements section below) during the role play to receive a
satisfactory outcome for this assessment task.
The schedule/roster for the assessment will be provided to you prior to the
assessment day. You must follow your allocated schedule to attend this
Attendance for this skills assessment is mandatory. A medical certificate must be
presented to be absent from this skills assessment.
You may have up to three (3) attempts to be deemed Satisfactory outcome with
this assessment.
Failure to receive the Satisfactory outcome after the three (3) attempts, the result
for the unit will be deemed Not Yet Satisfactory, and you must re-enroll and
repeat the unit to be eligible to be assessed again.
You must upload the scanned copy of the marked observation checklist into
Moodle within 24 hours after the assessment was conducted.
The written assessment standards (8.2) outlined in the PP77 Assessment Policy
and Procedure apply to this assessment task.


You will be provided with a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to
seek clarification on the conduct of the assessment.
You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment task. If you
feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate the
time needed with the assessor prior to the assessment due date.
Following the assessment, your responses are to be assessed and marked as
appropriate. Where responses have been assessed in one (1) or more questions
as unsatisfactory, students will be required to resubmit these questions. For
more information, detailed information can be found in PP77 Assessment Policy
and Procedure

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 14 of 25 RTO Number 121952
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
Student Assessment
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 5.0 July 2021
Part 1
You are required to role play two (2) customer service scenarios, as outlined below. In role play A, one student
will play the role of a
pathology collector and the other student will play the role of the client. In role play B,
one student will play the role of a
pathology supervisor, student 2 will play the role of the client, and student 3
will play the role of
the receptionist. Your Trainer and Assessor will be floating around the room as the
simulated interactions are being conducted. You can call over the Trainer and Assessor to seek advice when
needed during the role play. You will be assessed on both scenarios, when you are playing the role of the
pathology collector in role play A and the pathology supervisor in role play B.
Trainer and Assessor instructions:
For Role Play A, select one (1) student to play the role of the pathology collector and one (1) student to
play the role of the client.
For Role Play B, select one (1) student to play the role of the pathology supervisor, one (1) student to
play the role of the receptionist and one (1) student to play the role of the client.
Provide pathology collector with a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Pre Testing Instructions sheet to use
for Role Play A.
Provide a notepad and pen to use for Role Play B.
Help students who request your advice and guidance during role plays
Mix students’ roles around, so each student plays the pathology collector (Role Play A) and pathology
supervisor (Role Play B), in order to be assessed.
Set up tables and chairs
Pathology Collector Instructions Role Play A
Greet the client and establish rapport in accordance with organisational requirements.
Say hello and introduce yourself to the client
Ask them how their day is going
Acknowledge language barrier and ensure speech is slow, clear and understood by client
Ensure body language is open and relaxed
Identify c needs using appropriate interpersonal skills.
o Ask the client what you can help them with
o o
Use simple phrases and expressions – avoid jargon and slang words.
Reo Explain to the client in a clear and concise manner, that before you are able to commence their
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), you need to conduct a pretest on them – ask if they understand
what you are saying and seek their approval to do this.
o Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Pre Testing Instructions sheet.
Explain the requirements to them, to ensure they understand what is required of them.
Have they fasted for 8 – 16 hours?
Have they avoided drinking anything, except water, since midnight?
Do they have any allergies?
Are they using any medication?
Have they avoided smoking and heaving exercise for the last 8 hours?

Due Date
The trainer/assessor will provide a date and time for this assessment schedule on
the first day of the unit delivery.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 15 of 25 RTO Number 121952
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
Student Assessment
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 5.0 July 2021
Pathology Collector Instructions Role Play B
o Greet the client
o Ask the client what you can help them with
o o
Replaints accordingly and record client feedback.
o Apologise for what has occurred and tell the client of the pathology collector closest to their
home, that is most suitable and convenient.
o Take notes of the interaction with the receptionist, as outlined by the client.
o Ask the client for their full name and contact details.
o Tell the client you will be filling out a formal feedback form and will be addressing the issue with
the receptionist,
End conversation with the client, and begin discussion with the receptionist.
Identify and follow up opportunities to increase the quality of service.
o Request to speak to the receptionist
o Tell her about the feedback who have received, and ask for her side of the story.
o Listen actively to her response and explanation of the situation
o Tell her you understand things were busy, but it is no excuse to speak to a client in that manner.
o Outline what you expect from her as a receptionist
Greet customers in a polite and professional manner.
Communicate with customers using appropriate interpersonal skills.
Client instructions Role Play A
Demonstrate difficulty speaking English
o Show hesitation when speaking
o Use simple vocabulary and sentences
Listen actively to the pathology collector
Respond to the pathology collector and tell them that you are requiring a Glucose Tolerance Test
Client instructions Role Play B
Explain the situation to the supervisor, describing what you requested and what was wrong with the
Provide personal details to the supervisor and thank them for taking notes and promising to follow up
with the complaint.
Receptionist instructions Role Play B
When the supervisor requests to speak to you, accept and begin to explain the situation to the
supervisor, describing that you were stressed with on-going customer requests on the phone and face
Listen activ

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 16 of 25 RTO Number 121952
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
Student Assessment
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 5.0 July 2021
Role play A
A client who does not speak English well arrives at the pathology collection centre in the morning. The
client needs to commence their Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), but first, you need to conduct pre-test
criteria and identification. The pre-test criteria includes fasting time, any allergies and current medication.
You are required to greet the client and establish rapport, identify their needs and deliver prompt service.
Role play Scenario 2
closest collection centre is to their home. T
address on the internet. The customer asks to speak to the manager. You are the manager at the
pathology centre and you are required to respond to and record the feedback accurately, from the
summary of the situation the customer is complaining about., then transfer this information to a formal
feedback form.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 17 of 25 RTO Number 121952
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
Student Assessment
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 5.0 July 2021
Part 2
After presenting the role plays, complete a reflection document. This is an opportunity for each student to
analyse both of the role plays and reflect on the skills that were demonstrated. The document should be 200
words +/- 10%. Answer the following questions:
1. Briefly describe how you ensured you maintained sensitivit rences
during role-plays.
2. Identify and briefly describe at least two (2) relevant government legislations that apply to the customer
service given to clients during both role-plays.
workplace organisational policies and procedures relevant to customer service.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 18 of 25 RTO Number 121952
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
Student Assessment
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 5.0 July 2021

Assessment Task 2: Role Play A Part 1

Student Name

Student ID

Student has demonstrated the ability to:



Greet the client and establish rapport in accordance
with organisational requirements.
Say hello and introduce yourself to the client
Ask them how their day is going
Acknowledge language barrier and ensure speech
is slow, clear and understood by client
Ensure body language is open and relaxed

Ask the client what you can help them with
Use simple phrases and expressions – avoid
jargon and slang words.
Provide the client with relevant information about
options to meet their needs and help the client
identify their preferred option.
Seek support from the supervisor, if required to

Explain to the client in a clear and concise manner,
that before you are able to commence their
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), you need to
conduct a pretest on them – ask if they understand
what you are saying and seek their approval to do
Provide them with the cent Glucose Tolerance
Test (GTT) Pre Testing Instructions sheet. Explain
the requirements to them, to ensure they
understand what is required of them.
o Have they fasted for 8 – 16 hours?
o Have they avoided drinking anything,
except water, since midnight?
o Do they have any allergies?
o Are they using any medication?
o Have they avoided smoking and heaving
exercise for the last 8 hours?

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 19 of 25 RTO Number 121952
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
Student Assessment
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 5.0 July 2021


Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
Assessment Task Outcome


Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
Assessment Task Outcome


Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
Assessment Task Outcome


CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 20 of 25 RTO Number 121952
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
Student Assessment
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 5.0 July 2021

Assessment Task 2: Role Play B Part 1

Student Name

Student ID

Student has demonstrated the ability to:



Greet the client
Ask the client what you can help them with

Respond to and record client feedback.
Apologise for what has occurred and offer help to
resolve the issue.
Take notes of the interaction with the receptionist,
as outlined by the client.
Ask the client for their name and phone number.
Tell the client you will be filling out a formal
feedback form and will be addressing the issue

Identify and follow up opportunities to increase the
quality of service.
Request to speak to the receptionist
Tell her about the feedback who have received,
and ask for her side of the story.
Listen actively to her response and explanation of
the situation
Tell her you understand things were busy, but it is
no excuse to speak to a client in that manner.
Outline what you expect from her as a receptionist
o Greet customers in a polite and
professional manner.
o Communicate with customers using
appropriate interpersonal skills.
and try to help meet their needs.


CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 21 of 25 RTO Number 121952
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
Student Assessment
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 5.0 July 2021

Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
Assessment Task Outcome


Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
Assessment Task Outcome


Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
Assessment Task Outcome




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