Addition to the frustration-aggression

Sprague, et al (2011) proposed that, in addition to the frustration-aggression model originally proposed by Dollard et al (1939), among low-income male adolescents, feelings of hostility, and perceived stress may be also related to aggressive behavior. To test this hypothesis, a random sample of (N = ) 200 adolescent males attending Hillcrest High School in Queens (NY) were recruited to participate in the study. To assess their levels of frustration, stress, and hostility, each student completed the Frustration Discomfort Scale (X1; Frust; Harrington, 2005) the Perceived Stress Scale (X2 ; PSS: Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelstein, 1983), and the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (X 3 ; BDHI; Buss & Durkee, 1957). In addition, for each student, the number of documented classroom aggressive behaviors (Y, Agress) occurring during the week following completion of the questionnaires, was provided by the high school’s Dean of Student’s Office. The data for the study is in the attached SPSS data file.





Assignment Requirements:



1) Write a null and alternative hypothesis which is specific to this research question.



2) Using the attached SPSS data file conduct a Multiple Regression Analyses (MRA) to determine if Feelings of Frustration, Stress, and Hostility are significantly related to Aggression. Then summarize the results in correct APA style. Use my sample summary as a model for your summary.



3) Conduct exploratory data analyses (EDA) and a multiple regression analysis (MRA) in SPSS in which Aggress is the DV and PSS, BDHI, and Frust are the IVs.



4) Be sure to state the goals of the study, the sample and method. Describe the variables, and the statistical model employed to test the research hypothesis that Frustration, Stress, and Hostility are significant predictors of aggression.



5) Determine of the data meets the assumptions for MRA by conducting the appropriate EDA.



6) Report and interpret R2, R2adj, and 1-R2. Report and interpret the results for the F-test for the significance of R2. Report F, dfs, and the p-value for the significance of F in correct APA style



7) Based on the F test (above), do you conclude that PSS, BDHI, and Frust, account for a significant proportion of the variability in Aggression? Explain your answer



8) Report and interpret the results for the significance test for each unstandardized regression coefficient in correct APA style. And report/interpret the semipartial correlation sry(1.2) and sry(1.2)2 for all predictor variables



9) Based on your analysis is the direct relationship between PSS, BDHI, and Frust and Aggression significant after controlling for the other variables in the model. Be sure to explain the impact of each predictor variable on aggression, include the nature of the relationships (positive or negative)P and the strength of the effect size sr2.


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