Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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ASSESSMENT 1 – Questioning

This cover sheet is to be completed by the assessor and used as a record of student competency in this assessment task.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Unit Code:

Unit Title:
Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

Date of Assessment:

Student Declaration I declare that:

These tasks are my own work, and none of this
work has been completed by any other person.
These tasks are not plagiarised or colluded with
any other student/s.
I have correctly referenced all resources and
reference texts throughout these assessment

I have read and understood the policy on Plagiarism,
cheating and collusion and understand that if I am
found to be in breach of this policy, disciplinary
action may be taken against me.
I have a copy of my assessment work with me, which
I can produce if the original is lost.

Student name: _______________________________________ Signature: _______________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Assessment Criteria
If Not Satisfactory,
please comment

Primary components of relevant state or territory OHS or WHS legislation:
Actions that must be taken for legal compliance
Employer responsibilities to provide a safe workplace
Requirement to consult, and acceptable consultation mechanisms
Requirements for the use of WHS representatives and committees, and
their roles and responsibilities
Requirements for hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control and
acceptable mechanisms
Requirements for record keeping and acceptable record keeping
Requirement to provide information and training
Employee responsibilities to ensure safety of self, other workers and
other people in the workplace
Employee responsibility to participate in WHS practices
Ramifications of failure to observe OHS or WHS legislation and
organisational policies and procedures

Yes No

Specific organisation:
Full content of WHS policies and procedures; and consultation, hazard
identification, risk assessment and reporting documents
Methods used for WHS consultation, hazard identification and risk
Options for the provision of training:
Coaching or mentoring in safe work practices
Formal training programs in safe work practices
Hazard identification, risk assessment and control
Whs policy and procedure induction
Yes No

Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
2 of 6

WHS representative or committee
Provision of information, fact sheets and signage to ensure safe work

WHS information:
Consultative arrangements for WHS
Employee roles and responsibilities in WHS management practices
Legal obligations and ramifications of failure to comply
Location of first aid kit and emergency evacuation plan
WHS training information and updates
Overall approach of organisation to WHS
Participation of personnel in WHS management practices
Responsibilities of employees to ensure safety
Specific risk control measures relevant to the workplace
Specific regulations and codes of practice
Use of:
Hazard identification reporting documents
Risk assessment template documents
Yes No

Consultative processes:
A diary, whiteboard or suggestion box used by staff to report issues of
Fact sheets to fully inform personnel about WHS rights and
Formal WHS representatives and committees
Formal meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans
Informal meetings with notes
WHS discussions with employees during the course of each business day
Recording issues in a management diary
Regular staff meetings that involve WHS discussions
Seeking staff suggestions for content of WHS policies and procedures
Special staff meetings or workshops to specifically address WHS issues
Staff handbook containing WHS information
Surveys or questionnaires that invite staff feedback on WHS issues
Yes No

Time requirements for hazard identification:
When changes to the workplace are implemented:
Before the premises are used for the first time
Before and during the installation or alteration of any plant
Before changes to work practices are introduced
When any new information relating to health and safety risks
becomes available

Yes No

Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Required WHS records and reports:
Hazard identification
Incident and accident notifications to WHS regulatory authorities
Incident or accident, near miss reports and related statistics
Monitoring reports and recommendations for change:
Agendas for and minutes of meetings
Committee members
Consultation decisions and follow-up actions
Consultation processes
Diaries of meetings
WHS information provided to personnel
Risk controls
Safe work practices
Risk assessments
Risk control actions
Training action plans
Training undertaken.
Yes No


Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
(Please tick the assessment result for this task)

If Not Yet Satisfactory – Please identify the re-assessment

Comments/ Feedback (If the student is deemed Not Satisfactory the Assessor MUST state the circumstances and reasons
why this judgment has been made):

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided
appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name: ___________________________________ Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
4 of 6
Assessment Guidelines for Student:
Conditions of assessment
This assessment requires you to answer all the listed questions in your own words.
This assessment will be conducted in Glen Institute’s classroom
On completion, submit the knowledge test to your assessor.
You are required to complete this assessment in 2 hours.
You are required to answer all the questions that are outlined in this Assessment and submit your
evidence to your Assessor so that you can be graded as either
S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory
for this assessment. Your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
Only when all your answers have been assessed as satisfactory will you be deemed S – Satisfactory for
this assessment.
If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this
case you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so
that you can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
If you require an allowable adjustment to this assessment procedure you should discuss this with your
If you are dissatisfied with an assessment decision you should make an appeal to Glen Institute in
writing no longer than 10 days following advice of the assessment decision.
Context of and specific resources for assessment
During the assessment tasks, you will be provided with:
Printed copy of the written assessment
Your assessor will be assessing you on the criteria listed in the Assessment cover
Evidence to be provided by the student for this assessment:
Printed copy of responses to all the questions
Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
5 of 6
ASSESSMENT 1 – Questioning
Answer the following questions
Q 1 Under the WHS legislation there are 5 situations when a person conducting a business or undertaking
(employer) must consult with workers. Name 3 of them
Q 2 List 4 ways you can provide staff with workplace health and safety information
Q 3 An emergency evacuation plan is one example of a WHS procedure which helps to keep people safe.
List 4 others relevant to your industry
Q 4 List 2 methods of monitoring that staff are following WHS procedures
Q 5 List 5 types of document that would act as evidence of your company’s compliance with WHS Laws
Q 6 List 4 possible steps you could take if you observed a staff member not complying with your company’s
WHS practices, or a hazard control measure was not working properly
Q 7 List 5 WHS issues or potential hazards you need to monitor in your department/industry on a daily basis
Q 8 List 3 matters you might discuss as part of making consultation arrangements
Q 9 Name 3 methods you can use to provide staff members the opportunity to contribute their views on
WHS issues
Q 10 If you cannot resolve a staff member’s WHS issue or control a hazard yourself, name 3 people you
might refer the issue to in order to find a resolution.
Q 11 A staff member has raised WHS issues in the workplace which now have been
resolved. Why is it important to communicate the result back the staff member who raised it?
Q 12 Safe Work Australia’s Code of Practice “How to manage work health and safety risks” lists the instances
when risk management must occur, and hazard controls must be used. List 5 instances when this
needs to occur in an organisation
Q 13 List 4 different types of WHS training methods
Q 14 Give 2 examples of when you must provide WHS training to your staff
Q 15 Give 4 examples of training you might organise with a specialist WHS training provider
Q 16: Give 3 reasons you should monitor the effectiveness of training programs
Q 17 Where should Safety Data Sheets (SDS) be kept?
Q 18 List 5 pieces of information you can find on an SDS
Q 19 What information can you get from a completed risk assessment document?
Q 20 List 4 pieces of information that should be recorded as a training record for a staff member who has
undertaken WHS training

Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Q 21: How can you minimise the environmental impacts of storing documents and files?
Q 22 Under the WHS legislation, what is an employer’s duty of care in relation to providing a safe workplace?
Q 23 If a business chooses to have direct, regular contact between employer and employees instead of
appointing a WHS Committee or appoint WHS Representatives, have they failed to meet the
requirements of the WHS act? Why/Why not?
Q 24 If a WHS Committee raises a WHS issue with an employer, and the employer does not consider the
issue in a timely fashion, has the employer failed to meet their legal requirements? Why/Why not?
Q 25 What is the role of a WHS Committee?
Q 26 List 2 penalties a judge may impose on you if you fail to meet your duties under the WHS act


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