Please I need the paper in 4hrs30mins. I’d really appreciate it. Part 1 of your

Please I need the paper in 4hrs30mins. I’d really appreciate it.
Part 1 of your paper included your introduction and literature review. Part 2 will consist of the legal aspect of your topic. There are Supreme Court cases which address the legal issues found within the topics chosen for this course. This portion of the paper is a small court brief of (2) separate Supreme court cases. The brief (2) should include the following:
1. State the facts of the case as per the court brief. (this portion is not opinion based)
2. Provide the final ruling of the case. Was the case affirmed or decision reversed.
3. Provide a summary of the majority opinion of the Court. (Again, this portion is not opinion based). This summary should provide justification to why the case was affirmed or reversed based upon law applied by the Supreme court to reach its decision.
4. Provide a summary of the dissenting opinion (dissenting opinion is an opinion in a legal case in certain legal systems written by one or more judges expressing disagreement with the majority opinion of the court which gives rise to its judgment.)
Grading Rubric: (worth 10 points)
Students will be graded on the following:
1. Provide (2) separate Supreme Court case(s) which related directly to your topic.
2. Student’s ability to provide with each case: facts of the case, case ruling, majority opinion, and dissenting opinion.
3. Paper must be (3) pages in length, double-spaced, Times Roman font. Not including the cover page and reference page.
4. Students must use proper APA format when referencing/citing Supreme Court case.
5. A reference/citation page should be included. On this reference/citation page, reference from part 1 and part 2 should be included.
5. Please review before submitting for grammatical and spelling errors prior to submission.
6. Please correct part 1 (if directed to do so).
This portion of the paper will be a continuation of part 1, you will start where you left off. When submitting part 2, part 1 should also be included.
Due TUESDAY, April 4th 2023
Discussion questions
Please remember to comment on (1) students post to receive full credit.
Feminism is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Feminist basic goals are consciousness raising about oppression, wage, and labor fairness. More representation in politics/legislation and social equality.
However, much is not discussed when it relates to sentencing disparities amongst men and women. Both genders can be charged with similar or the exact crime. However when sentenced, men are given longer prison sentences than a woman. Why is there still disparities in sentencing amongst genders? What drives judges to be more lenient towards women as opposed to men?
Please review the following article regarding gender disparity in the criminal justice system. Upon review, provide a response based upon the article.
We will focus on Colorism, the ugly truth of Colorism which exist within races.
Colorism: Discrimination based on skin color, also known as colorism or shadeism, is a form of prejudice or discrimination usually from members of the same race in which people are treated differently based on the social implications from cultural meanings attached to skin color.
This following article discusses Colorism within the criminal justice system:
Monk the color of punishment .pdf
Digging even deeper, a recent study shows that not only being Black will determine if an offender will be arrested or jailed. The study reveals the percentage of those with lighter skinned are arrested and incarcerated which draws the question if there is Colorism within an already racist criminal justice system.
Do you think Colorism plays a role in arrest and incarceration? Do the criminal justice system use the “brown paper bag test” when determining who should be arrested or incarcerated for crimes committed.
Please review the following article. Upon review, please provide a response to the article.
Chapter 7 discusses Victimology and the patterns of victimization. Victimology can be defined as the scientific study of victims and victimization.
Blac Women and State-Sanctioned Violence- A History of Victimization and Exclusion.pdf
The following article discusses Black women perspective on state-sanctioned violence and victimization. Discuss the highlights of the article. How do the violence of the past (slavery) continue to haunt the black woman in modern times.
Jeffrey Dahmer

I will send the students post once I turn it in.


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