Critically analyse theories of the nature and prevalence of domestic abuse. ● Critically analyse the response to domestic abuse by statutory agencies and the third sector and evaluate areas of reform. ● Identify risks and


● Critically analyse theories of the nature and prevalence of domestic abuse.

● Critically analyse the response to domestic abuse by statutory agencies and the third sector and evaluate areas of reform.

● Identify risks and issues faced by victims of domestic abuse (Formative Assessment).

●      Evaluate appropriate responses to specific types of abuse (Formative Assessment)

A written 3,500 word essay. Students are given the opportunity to develop learner autonomy and decision making by choosing their essay question and areas for discussion. The learning outcomes will be explained to the students as well as ideas for essay topics, but the students have the freedom to choose their own demographic of victims and agencies to discuss.

Students needs to demonstrate an understanding of the nature and prevalence of DV within their chosen demographic, and a critical analysis of agency responses to this particular demographic(s). There is a ‘TAP Model’ under Study Materials that can assist students when developing their own question. In addition, students can find further information and guidance in the Assessments tab.

Question template:

‘A Critical Analysis of [“insert agency name”]’s Response to [“insert victim demographic] Victims of [“insert type of abuse”] Abuse.’

Potential Ideas/Examples of the Assignment Topics:

The English Legal System and Domestic Abuse – A Critical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Legal Response to Victims of Domestic AbuseDomestic Abuse and Battered Woman Syndrome – The Psychology of Abuse and Agency Response: A Critical Appraisal (Victim Perspective)Perpetrator Programmes – The Psychology of Abuse: Perpetrator Perspective OR Perpetrator Programmes: A Critique of ‘What Works?’Domestic Abuse and Ethnic Minorities – The Impact of Honour-Based Violence and the CJS Response: A Critical ReviewDomestic Abuse and Gender – “Domestic abuse requires a ‘gendered’ response”. Critically discuss.Female Genital Mutilation – A Critical Evaluation of the Criminal Justice Systems Response to FGM within the UK.Domestic Abuse on Children – The Effects of Domestic Abuse on Children: A Critical ReviewThe Law regarding Women who Kill – A Critical Examination of Gender Perspectives when Responding to Domestic Homicides.Male Victims of Domestic Abuse – A Critical Analysis of Responses to Men who Experience Domestic Abuse.Negotiated Alternative.

Additional Information


● For the summative essay do not exceed the word limit by more than 10% either way.

● Remember that detailed Harvard referencing is needed throughout the essay in the form of in-text citations. A full list of the references used and cited within the essay must be included at the end of your essay.

● Please ensure that you support all of your arguments with references.

● Please ensure your references are from credible academic sources.

● Please check the reading suggestions in the module handbook, the week’s reading list and remember to use academic journal articles as well as books.

●      Read as much as possible around the question you plan to answer (not just the lecture notes!) Don’t restrict yourself to the main textbooks.


There is a minimum quota for the summative coursework (CW2) of ten (N=10) references of which six or more should be academic journals and four should be academic (university presses) or reputable professional books or chapters of such books (Springer, Routledge, etc).

The above quota represents the minimumof what is needed to meet the core requirements for critical analysis and academic quality.  Nevertheless, participants are encouraged to read more widely and to cite and reference research, policy, and public information from other (not necessarily academic) suppliers of information.

All coursework needs to use Harvard citation and referencing,


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