For this assignment, you will: Choose two (2) of your previous discussion board posts that were submitted earlier in the course. Replace the links with appropriate APA style in-text

Thus far, you have been asked to provide a link for any source used in your discussion posts as a way of attributing credit to the source. 


Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Due Date: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 7 Points: 100


Thus far, you have been asked to provide a link for any source used in your discussion posts as a way of attributing credit to the source. Going forward, you will need to attribute credit to your sources by including in-text citations and references in accordance with APA style. This assignment will be good practice for building this valuable skill!


For this assignment, you will:

• Choose two (2) of your previous discussion board posts that were submitted earlier in the


• Replace the links with appropriate APA style in-text citations. Use correct format and


• Include the appropriate reference citation at the end.


• Include the web links for all resources used so your instructor can check the citation.

• Complete your work in a Microsoft Word document.

Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

PSY101 – Fundamentals of Psychology I

APA Style In-Text Citations and References Assignment

Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Evaluation Rubric for APA Style In-Text Citations and References Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Development

Needed Proficient Exemplary

0 points 12 points 16 points 20 points

Discussion Board Posts and Links

One or no discussion board post was provided.

One discussion board post and one link to source were included.

Two discussion board posts and one link to source were included.

Two discussion board posts and links to sources used were included.

0 points 24 points 32 points 40 points

In-Text Citations In-text citations citation were absent.

In-text citations were included but contained numerous errors in style and/or placement.

In-text citations were included with only a few errors in style and/or placement.

In-text citations were included and correct. Placement was correct or mostly correct.

0 points 24 points 32 points 40 points

Reference Citation Reference citation was absent.

Reference citation was included but contained numerous errors.

Reference citation was included with only a few errors.

Reference citation was included and correct.


Don`t copy text!
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