You are asked to explore the different types of data analytics, their objectives, the techniques, and appropriate steps for generating insights which today’s businesses are seeking to stay proactive and competitive. In addition, you will explore what ethical use of data analytics means.

MDA611 Predictive Analytics Assignment

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T1 2023
Unit Code MDA611
Unit Title Predictive Analytics
Assessment Type Individual
Assessment Title Assignment 1: Understanding Data Analytics – objectives, techniques, steps, and its ethical use
Purpose of the assessment (with          ULO Mapping) This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them. Evaluate and interpret data using an ethically responsible approach;Critically review the application and choice of industry standard data analytics tools.
Weight 10%
Total Marks 60 marks
Word limit Part A – Max 1000 words, excluding references. (50 marks maximum) Part B – R code (10 marks maximum)
Due Date End of Week 3
Submission Guidelines For Assignment 1, submit as a Word document for Part A, and a markdown file of the R code for Part B.For Word document, the format includes 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font, and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
Extension If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly on AMS. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at: and-plans/policies-procedures-and-guidelines/assessment-policy
Academic Misconduct Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar          with    the          full      policy             and                  procedure       available                      at: procedures-and-guidelines/AcademicIntegrityPolicyAndProcedure.    For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in the Unit Description.

Prepared by: Prof. Paul Kwan                 Moderated by: Dr. Osama Mahdi                                March 2023

Assignment 1

PART A                                                                                                                                          [50 marks]

You are asked to explore the different types of data analytics, their objectives, the techniques, and appropriate steps for generating insights which today’s businesses are seeking to stay proactive and competitive. In addition, you will explore what ethical use of data analytics means.

Background and Tasks:

Data is becoming more readily available for the daily operations of businesses today. With data comes analytics, and to drive more efficient decision-making, companies must consider various analytic solutions to discover what will allow them to get the most out of their information.

Data analytics can be categorized into three main types – Descriptive Analytics, Predictive Analytics, and Prescriptive Analytics. While each may be considered separately, their interrelationship is equally crucial if a business desires to gain a fuller perspective of how their past and future are connected.

  1. Discuss the conceptual framework that underpins each of the three types of data analytics. You should explore their respective objectives, associated techniques, compare industry relevant tools, data sources, and processing steps required to achieve the relevant objectives of a company.                                                                                                                                                                    [7 x 3 marks]
  • Many organizations nowadays have included business data analytics as an integral part of their growth strategy. In this question, for each type of data analytics research one real-world example of a company that has clearly benefited from its application in their business strategy. You should identify the name of the company, the type of data analytics they have applied, and how they are using it to achieve their growth strategy.                                                                                              [5 x 3 marks]
  • Research the open literature to gain an understanding of what ethical use of data analytics means. Then answer the following questions:                                                                                            [5 x 2 marks]
    • What does it mean by the ethical use of data analytics?
    • Discuss how data can be collected in a transparent and fair manner.
    • How might results of data analytics be misinterpreted or misused?
    • What necessary measures should be taken to protect the privacy and security of data?
    • Research one real-world example of unethical use of data analytics. How has this example impacted your own point of view of the data analytics profession?

You can use the Internet to locate resources to support your discussion and answers. However, all sources must be properly acknowledged and cited in your submission in either the IEEE (for MDA students) or APA (for MBAnalytics students) referencing style.                                                                         [4 marks]


PART B (Basics of R data manipulation)                                                                        [10 marks]

Note: # is comment in R

# Download A1.csv from the same folder on Moodle as this Assignment 1 document. # Save it in the working directory of your R session.


# Write R commands to perform the following tasks:

# 1. read the file A1.csv into an R object.

# 2. using appropriate command(s) to display the class of the R object.

# 3. using appropriate command(s) to display the number of rows and columns of the R object. # 4. if the columns of the R object are named, print the names of its columns.

# 5. extract the entry of the R object in row 12 and column 2.

# 6. use the ‘$’ operator to return row 11 of the “weight” column.

# 7. use step 6’s result and a suitable function to return the number of records in the dataset.

# 8. View the R object and decide which rows have the value hf in “typeOfDiet” column. # 9. extract the values in the weight column of the rows returned by step 8.

# 10. Compute the mean of the values returned by step 9.

Marking criteria: The following marking criteria will be used.

Question Number Description of the section Marks
Part A
1) Explain each type of data analytics. Your explanation should include the objectives, techniques, tools comparison, data collection, and processing steps. 21
2) Identify one real-world example/company for each type of data analytics. Identify the 15
name of the company, what type of data analytics they are using, and how they are
using it to achieve their growth strategy.
  3) Conduct an Internet search to answer the list of five questions on the ethical use of data analytics.   10
4) Include proper referencing. 4
Part B Write R code to execute the ten (10) steps described. 10
Total 60

Example Marking Rubric for Part ATotal Marks 50

Grade Mark HD 27-30 DI 23-26 CR 19-22 P 15-18 Fail <15
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
1) Explain the concept of each type of data analytics Concise and accurate explanation Relevant and sound explanation Generally relevant explanation Some relevance explanation Explanation are not relevant
2) Identify one Real-world Example /Company for each type of data analytics Clear and Concise Mostly clear and concise Mostly clear and adequately concise Mostly clearbut not concise Not clear andnot concise
3) Conduct an Internet search to answer five questions about the ethical use of data analytics. Concise and accurate explanation Relevant and sound explanation Generally relevant explanation Some relevance explanation Explanation are not relevant
4) Include proper referencing. Clear and proper referencing Mostly clear and proper referencing Often clear and proper referencing Some proper referencing Lack proper referenc

You are asked to explore the different types of data analytics, their objectives, the techniques, and appropriate steps for generating insights which today’s businesses are seeking to stay proactive and competitive. In addition, you will explore what ethical use of data analytics means.

MDA611 Predictive Analytics Assignment

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T1 2023
Unit Code MDA611
Unit Title Predictive Analytics
Assessment Type Individual
Assessment Title Assignment 1: Understanding Data Analytics – objectives, techniques, steps, and its ethical use
Purpose of the assessment (with          ULO Mapping) This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them. Evaluate and interpret data using an ethically responsible approach;Critically review the application and choice of industry standard data analytics tools.
Weight 10%
Total Marks 60 marks
Word limit Part A – Max 1000 words, excluding references. (50 marks maximum) Part B – R code (10 marks maximum)
Due Date End of Week 3
Submission Guidelines For Assignment 1, submit as a Word document for Part A, and a markdown file of the R code for Part B.For Word document, the format includes 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font, and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
Extension If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly on AMS. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at: and-plans/policies-procedures-and-guidelines/assessment-policy
Academic Misconduct Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar          with    the          full      policy             and                  procedure       available                      at: procedures-and-guidelines/AcademicIntegrityPolicyAndProcedure.    For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in the Unit Description.

Prepared by: Prof. Paul Kwan                 Moderated by: Dr. Osama Mahdi                                March 2023

Assignment 1

PART A                                                                                                                                          [50 marks]

You are asked to explore the different types of data analytics, their objectives, the techniques, and appropriate steps for generating insights which today’s businesses are seeking to stay proactive and competitive. In addition, you will explore what ethical use of data analytics means.

Background and Tasks:

Data is becoming more readily available for the daily operations of businesses today. With data comes analytics, and to drive more efficient decision-making, companies must consider various analytic solutions to discover what will allow them to get the most out of their information.

Data analytics can be categorized into three main types – Descriptive Analytics, Predictive Analytics, and Prescriptive Analytics. While each may be considered separately, their interrelationship is equally crucial if a business desires to gain a fuller perspective of how their past and future are connected.

  1. Discuss the conceptual framework that underpins each of the three types of data analytics. You should explore their respective objectives, associated techniques, compare industry relevant tools, data sources, and processing steps required to achieve the relevant objectives of a company.                                                                                                                                                                    [7 x 3 marks]
  • Many organizations nowadays have included business data analytics as an integral part of their growth strategy. In this question, for each type of data analytics research one real-world example of a company that has clearly benefited from its application in their business strategy. You should identify the name of the company, the type of data analytics they have applied, and how they are using it to achieve their growth strategy.                                                                                              [5 x 3 marks]
  • Research the open literature to gain an understanding of what ethical use of data analytics means. Then answer the following questions:                                                                                            [5 x 2 marks]
    • What does it mean by the ethical use of data analytics?
    • Discuss how data can be collected in a transparent and fair manner.
    • How might results of data analytics be misinterpreted or misused?
    • What necessary measures should be taken to protect the privacy and security of data?
    • Research one real-world example of unethical use of data analytics. How has this example impacted your own point of view of the data analytics profession?

You can use the Internet to locate resources to support your discussion and answers. However, all sources must be properly acknowledged and cited in your submission in either the IEEE (for MDA students) or APA (for MBAnalytics students) referencing style.                                                                         [4 marks]


PART B (Basics of R data manipulation)                                                                        [10 marks]

Note: # is comment in R

# Download A1.csv from the same folder on Moodle as this Assignment 1 document. # Save it in the working directory of your R session.


# Write R commands to perform the following tasks:

# 1. read the file A1.csv into an R object.

# 2. using appropriate command(s) to display the class of the R object.

# 3. using appropriate command(s) to display the number of rows and columns of the R object. # 4. if the columns of the R object are named, print the names of its columns.

# 5. extract the entry of the R object in row 12 and column 2.

# 6. use the ‘$’ operator to return row 11 of the “weight” column.

# 7. use step 6’s result and a suitable function to return the number of records in the dataset.

# 8. View the R object and decide which rows have the value hf in “typeOfDiet” column. # 9. extract the values in the weight column of the rows returned by step 8.

# 10. Compute the mean of the values returned by step 9.

Marking criteria: The following marking criteria will be used.

Question Number Description of the section Marks
Part A
1) Explain each type of data analytics. Your explanation should include the objectives, techniques, tools comparison, data collection, and processing steps. 21
2) Identify one real-world example/company for each type of data analytics. Identify the 15
name of the company, what type of data analytics they are using, and how they are
using it to achieve their growth strategy.
  3) Conduct an Internet search to answer the list of five questions on the ethical use of data analytics.   10
4) Include proper referencing. 4
Part B Write R code to execute the ten (10) steps described. 10
Total 60

Example Marking Rubric for Part ATotal Marks 50

Grade Mark HD 27-30 DI 23-26 CR 19-22 P 15-18 Fail <15
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
1) Explain the concept of each type of data analytics Concise and accurate explanation Relevant and sound explanation Generally relevant explanation Some relevance explanation Explanation are not relevant
2) Identify one Real-world Example /Company for each type of data analytics Clear and Concise Mostly clear and concise Mostly clear and adequately concise Mostly clearbut not concise Not clear andnot concise
3) Conduct an Internet search to answer five questions about the ethical use of data analytics. Concise and accurate explanation Relevant and sound explanation Generally relevant explanation Some relevance explanation Explanation are not relevant
4) Include proper referencing. Clear and proper referencing Mostly clear and proper referencing Often clear and proper referencing Some proper referencing Lack proper referenc


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