Summary of Budget Hearing

You work for an organization in New York City that receives public funding, and your boss has tasked you with attending a hearing of the NYC
The post Summary of Budget Hearing first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

You work for an organization in New York City that receives public funding, and your boss has
tasked you with attending a hearing of the NYC Council in order to get a handle on how the
budget is taking shape and how it may affect funding for your organization. Your boss has asked
that you a) summarize the events of the hearing, including the issues raised by council members
and the responses given by OMB (or others), and b) outline where the budget process currently
stands. For example, if the hearing is in regard to the Mayor’s Preliminary Budget, then you
should describe what issues were raised by council members and clarify the difference between
the Preliminary Budget and the Executive Budget. Your memo should be no longer than one
page single-spaced.


The post Summary of Budget Hearing first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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