1. Find a recent journal article (within the past eighteen months) or news event from a reputable news source that focuses on issues of class, race and gender and crime. Your article must be about one or more of these variables of class, race and gender in relation to crime or cri

1. Find a recent journal article (within the past eighteen months) or news event from a reputable news source that focuses on issues of class, race and gender and crime. Your article must be about one or more of these variables of class, race and gender in relation to crime or criminal justice policy and practice. Summarize the details of the article. As well, provide the publication source and date of the article in question. If available, please provide a link so that I may also review the article. 2. After summarizing the details of the article, discuss your thoughts on the article’s content, to include such things as whether or not the article sheds a new light to criminal justice policy or practice, or is it just another example of something that has a long history of occurring within the criminal justice system? 3. What is the significance of the contents of this article in terms of its effect (or possible affect) on current criminal justice policy or future directions? For example, what are the implications of the effect of the article on future criminal justice policy and practice and as it pertains to income, racial or gender inequality, discrimination or bias or other privileges discussed in the course? 4. Lastly, what is the significance or the effect of the contents of the article to future research in criminal justice policy and practice as it pertains to income, racial or gender inequality, discrimination or bias, or other privileges discussed in the course?


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