please see ins.!

There are over 40 different Genetic Disorders, please select a specific Genetic Disorder which has not been blogged about by another student. This will diversify our Week 4 Blog with information on different Genetic Disorders.

Go to the National Human Genome Research Institute or The Office of Rare Diseases Research (ORDR) and research a specific Genetic Disorder.

Title your initial blog post with the specific Genetic Disorder you will be discussing; this is required so everyone knows which specific Genetic Disorders have been posted on and to ensure there is diverse pool of genetic disorders discussed.  No duplicate topics are permitted; a 10-point deduction for posting on a topic that has already been posted on.  Then share with the class what you have learned about the Genetic Disorder by writing a full paragraph summary (150 words minimum) of what you have learned about the Genetic Disorder including: who is affected, what is the genetic abnormality, what treatments are available and what is the current state of research.

The post please see ins.! appeared first on School Core.


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