SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices :

SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Table of Contents

Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet. 3

Student and Trainer/Assessor Details. 3

Course and Unit Details. 3

Assessment Submission Method. 3

Student Declaration. 3

Assessment Plan. 4

Unit information pack. 4

UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT). 5

Pre-assessment checklist. 5

Purpose. 5

Information for students. 5

Reasonable adjustments. 5

Student declaration. 5

Assessment task instructions. 7

Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS). 26

UAT 2 – Simulation Task. 28

Pre-assessment checklist. 28

Purpose. 28

Information for students. 28

Reasonable adjustments. 28

Student declaration. 28

Assessment task instructions. 29

Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS). 14

Purpose of unit Assessment Pack  This document is for the student and provides all the assessment tasks which need to be completed to be deemed competent in this unit. The document also provides instructions and information to assist the student to complete each assessment task. Students must respond to all questions and submit the assessment to their Assessor.
Copyright This document was developed by VET Resources © 2021. No part of this resources may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or recording or by any information retrieval system without written permission from VET Resources. Legal action may be taken against any person who infringes their copyright through unauthorised copying. 

SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet

Student and Trainer/Assessor Details

Student ID  
Student name  
Trainer/Assessor name  

Participate in safe work Course and Unit Details

Course code  
Course name  
Unit code SITXWHS005
Unit name Participate in safe work practices

Assessment Submission Method

☐      By hand to trainer/assessor   ☐ By email to trainer/assessor   ☐ Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS)
☐      By Australia Post to RTO ☐ Any other method _________________________________________________                                        (Please mention here)  

Student Declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in my submission. I understand that a false declaration is a form of malpractice. I have kept a copy of this assessment pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference material that I used in the production of the assessment pack;For the purposes of assessment, I give the Trainer/Assessor of this assessment the permission to: Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this assessment to a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future plagiarism checking).   Student signature   Date  

Assessment Plan

To demonstrate competence in this unit, the student must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment tasks.

Evidence recorded Evidence Type/ Method of assessment Sufficient evidence recorded/Outcome
Unit Assessment Task 1 Unit Knowledge Test (UKT) S / NS (First Attempt) S / NS (Second Attempt)
Unit Assessment Task 2 Simulation Task S / NS (First Attempt) S / NS (Second Attempt)
Final result C ☐ NYC ☐ Date assessed  
Trainer/Assessor Signature  

Unit information pack

The student and Trainer/Assessor must read and understand all the information in the unit information pack before completing the unit assessment pack.
UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)

Pre-assessment checklist


The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The Trainer/Assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the Trainer/Assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.

Information for students

  • Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
  • Please make sure your Trainer/Assessor has clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be completed.
  • Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
  • Please make sure you know your rights and the complaints and appeal process.
  • Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your Trainer/Assessor).
  • Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).
  • Please ensure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit Assessment Task (UAT).
  • Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
  • In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment can be granted by the Trainer/Assessor. 
  • Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
  • Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date of this assessment task.

Reasonable adjustments 

  • If student has requested a reasonable adjustment, then complete the reasonable adjustment form included in the unit information pack.

Student declaration

  • I confirm that Trainer/Assessor has provided all the information related to the assessment task as included in the information for student section and I am ready for the assessment.
Student signature   Date  
  Assessment task instructions

Assessment type:

  • Written Questions

 Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:     

  • This is the first (1) unit of assessment task that the student must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
  • The Unit Knowledge Test is comprised of fourteen (14) written questions.
  • Student must respond to all the questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
  • Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
  • Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify students when results are available.

 Applicable conditions:   

  • This knowledge test is untimed and is conducted as an open book test (this means student can refer to textbooks during the test).
  • Student must read and respond to all questions.
  • Student may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
  • Student must complete the task independently.
  • No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
  • Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s written skills and knowledge as he/she completes this assessment task.
  • The Trainer/Assessor may ask the student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own work.

Resubmissions and reattempts: 

  • Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
  • Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in completing this task and requires a reasonable adjustment (e.g., can be given as an oral assessment).
  • For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.


  • This assessment task may be completed in (tick the relevant box):
☐ Learning Management System ☐ Classroom
☐ Simulated learning environment ☐ Workplace
Other: ____________________________________
  • Trainer/Assessor will provide the student with further information regarding the location for completing this assessment task.

 Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to check knowledge relevant to the unit.

Instructions for answering written questions:

  • Students must complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.
  • It is expected from students to correctly answer all the questions.
  • Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical thinking, and good writing skills.
  • Students must respond to all questions for this assessment in a concise manner, providing only information that is relevant.
  • Student must use non-discriminatory language. The language should not devalue, demean, or exclude individuals or groups on the basis of such attributes including gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual preference, age and/or any other basis. Gender inclusive language should be used.
  • Assessors must not accept responses/answers that have been copied directly from other sources materials.
  Resources required to complete the assessment task:
  • Computer
  • Internet
  • MS Word
  • Printer or e-printer
  • Unit Assessment Task
  • Access to learner guide and other learning materials.
Question 1: List 5 Workplace Health and Safety standards for the accommodation and food services sectors. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Question 2: Refer to your state or territory legislation and identify the aspects related to the work health and safety (WHS) legislation in the below provided table. Also name the relevant legislation as per your state or territory. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Aspects of WHS legislation Answer Legislation name   Actions that must be adhered by the food businesses (40-70 words)

Employer responsibilities (at least five)   Employee responsibilities to participate in WHS practices (at least four)   Employee responsibility to ensure the safety of self, other workers and other people in the workplace within the scope of own work role (at least three)   Ramifications of failure to observe WHS legislation and organisational policies and procedures (20-40 words)  

Question 3a: Write the steps that need to be followed in response to the alarm signal during an emergency evacuation in a hospitality business. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Question 3 b :In the below provided table, list the safety practices that are required to be undertaken by the hospitality business in order to protect their assets that are listed in the table. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Assets Safety practices (at least three) Cash   Documents   Equipment   Keys   People    
Question 4a: Individuals must observe safe work practices to help keep their workplace safe. What are the four key roles and responsibilities of supervisors in the hospitality industry concerning work, health, and safety? Satisfactory response
 Yes ☐ No ☐
Question 4b: Fill in the table below with relevant responsibilities for job roles in the hospitality industry. Satisfactory response
1. Yes ☐ 2. Yes ☐ 3. Yes ☐ 4. Yes ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐
Job Roles Hygienic Work Practices (at least two) 1. Executive chef   2. Cook   3. Kitchen porter   4. Waiter  
Question 5: Complete the table below with the meanings of the following safety shapes and colours that are used in the hospitality industry. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Safety signs Meaning (one to two sentences) Discs     Triangles     Squares and rectangles     Safety colour coding Meaning RED   ORANGE   YELLOW   GREEN   BLUE   PURPLE  
Question 6: You have been working for a week in the restaurant, and your uniform has arrived. This consists of a heavy-duty apron, long sleeve chef apprentice top and heavy-duty chef apprentice trousers with built-in kneepads. During your first week, you have burnt yourself a few times on your arms, ruined several pieces of clothing due to oil/food stains and had to increase your weekly washing quota. Your current duties have involved: List three (3) different methods of using your new personal protective equipment/uniform to minimize the issues encountered during your first week. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐   No ☐  
Question 7: Give three examples of unsafe work practices. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Question 8a. Give five examples of hazards that commonly occur in the Hospitality and tourism industry. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Question 8b: In the below provided table, classify the hazard type based on the below provided elements and also categorise them based on the type of risk they can arise-health, safety and security. Satisfactory response
1. Yes ☐ 2. Yes ☐ 3. Yes ☐ 4. Yes ☐ 5. Yes ☐   No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐
Hazard type Hazard Risk                                                          
Question 9: In the below provided table match each of the following emergency situations with its correct description. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Emergency Situation Answer Explanation Accidents f a. causes include unsafe handling, inappropriate storage, storage tank ruptures, improper containers for disposal, and failure to dispose of promptly. Bomb threats a b. In the hospitality industry, headaches, food poisoning, and viral fever are among the most prevalent health issues encountered by customers. Natural Events – earthquake e c. Even customers can occasionally constitute a security risk to individuals in the hospitality industry. Chemical spill h d. The front desk or cashier has cash with them, so there is also the possibility of these occurring. Fire g e. occur unexpectedly, unintentionally, or by chance. Can occur during tours or in hotels or restaurants at any point due to faulty stairs, ramps, and balconies, or even parking places. Illness b f. can do irreparable harm to humanity and, by extension, the hospitality industry. You cannot stop them, but you can take preventative precautions in hotels, restaurants, or tours to deal with such emergency situations. Irrational customers i g. the most likely cause of this in a hotel or restaurant could be the kitchen or defective wiring. Power Failure d h. common in hotels, restaurants, or other leisurely locations. But not always real. Either they are pranks or made just to create an atmosphere of terror in society. Suspicious Behaviour of Staff j i. in the hospitality industry, this can be devastating. When customers encounter trouble with their stay, staff need to find creative solutions to keep their customers comfortable, safe, and satisfied. Robberies c j. Suspicious conduct is any observable action that may indicate a person is engaged in criminal activity or is about to commit a crime.
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Question 10a:  List any six pieces of information included in emergency policies and procedures. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Question 10b:  Fire and evacuation alarms are intended to alert staff and customers that a fire or other life-threatening situation exists. Upon hearing the alarm, everyone should leave the premises immediately. Assume that there is a fire in your restaurant. How would you guide staff and customers to ensure their safety? Arrange the following steps in their correct sequence. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Steps to Safety Correct order Step 1 Exit the premises by following the emergency maps.   Step 2 Use a fire extinguisher only if it is safe and you have been trained to do so.   Step 3 Do not use the elevators.   Step 4 Report hazardous conditions.   Step 5 Activate the fire alarm.   Step 6  Stay away from the premises until it is safe to return.   Step 7 Ensure all personnel and customers are out of the premises.   Step 8 Call for help immediately and provide information.   Step 9 Stay low if confronted with smoke. Check closed doors for heat before opening.   Step 10 Assist physically impaired personnel or customers to a secure area and notify emergency responders.   Step 11 Assist injured personnel or customers, or notify emergency responders of the medical emergency.   Step 12 Assemble other personnel and customers at a remote location noted on evacuation maps.  
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Step 10

Question 10c: List three (3) types of emergency incident report documentation that an organisation may utilise to comply with their organisational security and emergency procedures, to ensure a safe workplace. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Question 10d: In the below provided table two emergency procedures are provided. Student is required to select the correct option and mention under which circumstance that emergency procedure will be followed. Situations: 1. Earthquake: 2. Hazardous Materials Leaks/Spills 3. Medical Emergencies Satisfactory response
1. Yes ☐ 2. Yes ☐ 3. Yes ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐
Procedure 1 Procedure 2     Relevant situations Situation 1: Earthquake   Situation 3: Medical Emergencies   Situation 2: Hazardous Materials Leaks/Spills  
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Question 11. List five (5) different authorities that a wait staff can contact in case of an emergency or injury. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Question 12a:  Why is an incident report used in a hospitality business? (30-50 words) What information is included in an incident report in addition to a description of the incident? List any eight pieces of information included. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Question 12b:  Assume you are the chef in a restaurant on a busy Saturday evening service. One of your cooks cuts her finger. She was given first aid and after the service you are going to complete the incident report. Where information is not available you can make assumptions. Complete the form below: Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Incident Report  
Incident Date:   Incident Time: Injured person name: Address: Phone numbers: Male/Female:    Female                                                                                          Date of Birth:  
Details of Incident: Cook Sarah Johnson cut her finger while preparing food during dinner service. She was given first aid and resumed working after the injury was treated. Who was injured person? Injury Type: Cut on the finger  
Does Injury require Hospital/Physician?  Yes ☐                          No Hospital name: Address: Hospital Phone Numbers: Injured person/Party Signature/ Date:    Important Notes and Instructions: Prepared By:   Date: Name of Approved By:                                           Signature: 
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Question 13: In the below-provided table different work procedures for WHS management practices are provided; students are required to select the name of the procedure from below and mention it in front of the correct procedure Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Name Procedure        
Question 14. List at least six key elements that need to be included in the hospitality and tourism industry work health and safety policy and procedure Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)  
  Outcome of Unit Assessment Task (UAT) First attempt:   Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):  Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐   Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year) Second attempt:   Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):  Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐ Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)
  Feedback to Student              
  Student Declaration declare that the answers I have provided are my own work.  Where I have accessed information from other sources, I have provided references and or links to my sources. have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used as part of my submission. have provided references for all sources where the information is not my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation and plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that all work I submit must be verifiable as my own. understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidence undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed.
  Student Signature  
  Trainer/Assessor Name  
  Trainer/Assessor Declaration I hold: þ Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered þ Current relevant industry skills þ Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake þ Ongoing professional development in VET I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid, and reliable. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment.  I have provided feedback to the above-named candidate.
  Trainer/Assessor Signature  
  Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student Management System on _________________ (insert date) by (insert Name) __________________________________
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

UAT 2 – Simulation Task

Pre-assessment checklist


The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The Trainer/Assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the Trainer/Assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.

Information for students

  • Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
  • Please make sure your Trainer/Assessor has clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be completed.
  • Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
  • Please make sure you know your rights and the complaints and appeal process.
  • Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your Trainer/Assessor).
  • Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).
  • Please ensure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit Assessment Task (UAT).
  • Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
  • In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment can be granted by the Trainer/Assessor. 
  • Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
  • Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date of this assessment task.

Reasonable adjustments 

  • If a student requires a reasonable adjustment, then complete the reasonable adjustment form included in the unit information pack.

Student declaration

  • I confirm that the Trainer/Assessor has provided all the information related to the assessment task as included in the information for student section and I am ready for the assessment.
Student signature   Date  
  Assessment task instructions

Assessment type:

  • Simulation Task

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:    

Applicable conditions:   

Resubmissions and reattempts:

  • Where a student’s performance is deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed. Assessor must note any such submissions.
  • Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in completing this task and requires a reasonable adjustment (e.g., can be given as an oral assessment).
  • For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.


  • This assessment task may be completed in (tick the relevant box):
☐ Learning Management System ☐ Classroom
☐ Simulated learning environment ☐ Workplace
Other: ____________________________________
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Purpose of the assessment:

  • Purpose of this Simulation Task is to check skills and knowledge related to performance criteria and performance evidence of the unit.

General Instructions for attempting the Simulation Task:

  Resources required to complete the assessment task:
  • Computer
  • Internet
  • MS Word
  • Printer or e-printer
  • Adobe acrobat/reader
  • A simulated industry environment
  • Personal protective equipment and clothing or uniform
  • Kitchen safety signs
Feast of Flavours story Feast of Flavours was begun when three school friends met for a drink, and the idea of opening a world-class restaurant was conceived with a little help from a bottle of Pinot Noir. After three years and innumerable ups and downs, Feast of Flavours was born. Objective A Feast of Flavours aims to create a culinary experience that gives people the most delicious dining experience possible. At Feast of Flavours, customers will discover the world’s flavours and various unique cultures. It is an amalgamation of cuisines from around the globe under one roof with an ambience designed to complement the culinary joy diners will feel. Feast of Flavours will delight patrons who enjoy exploring and experimenting with flavours. Menu options The Feast of Flavours menu ranges from a variety of local cuisines to ones from across the globe, carefully chosen to be a part of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The restaurant ambience is beautifully crafted with soft lighting, artistic decorations, and elegant design. At Feast of Flavours, you can also find cocktails and beverages curated to give a unique experience with each slow slip. A complete list of the menu options can be located at the Feast of Flavours simulated website. Meetings & Events Feast of Flavours is acknowledged as an industry leader delivering the best food and service to its customers. The restaurant is also equipped to handle private or corporate events including team outings, birthday parties, or special celebrations. Customers can choose from the below options to book for their upcoming event. The restaurant is determined to cater for any customer within 2 minutes of their arrival and serve delicious food and drinks within 15 minutes of the order. All staff at the Feast of Flavours are required to follow the below mentioned legislation, regulatory requirements and the code of practice and they retrieve detailed information from the mentioned links: Code of Practice: How to manage work health and safety risks.  model Code of Practice: Hazardous manual tasks. model Code of Practice: Managing the risks of falls at workplaces Model Code of Practice: Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination Model Code of Practice: Managing the work environment and facilities Model Code of Practice: Managing the risks of falls at workplaces You started working in this restaurant in 2020 as a trainee, but you have slowly and steadily worked your way up to becoming a senior chef. This has been a long journey of learning. You are required to comply with the WHS requirements in the workplace and engage in safe work practices. You are required to refer to the scenario and conduct internet research and complete the below provided activities.
                                Simulated Business Website The assessment tasks below use a simulated business website named Feast of Flavours. To access the website, you need to log in by using the below-provided link:           Step 1: Navigate to the website and click “Login”. Step 2: Enter the username and password provided by your trainer. Your trainer will also provide you with the simulated business website information document that will help you to navigate through the website. You need to refer to the following policies and procedures to complete the provided activities:
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

  Activity 1: Safety Induction Meeting  
  Additional Scenario While working in the restaurant, you notice a new intern named Jack exhibiting inappropriate behaviour. He is waving his knife around while chopping, failing to follow safe cutting procedures and making quite a bit of mess in the nearby area with the offcuts. These offcuts are all over the nearby benches and even on the floor. You are his direct supervisor; however, it is well known that he is close friends with the Sous Chef, and when unhappy, he will immediately go and complain to him about the issue. The last supervisor who complained about him was transferred to another restaurant by the Sous Chef. Further, he has a well-known temper, and there are rumours that he physically assaulted another chef at his previous place of employment, resulting in immediate dismissal. You were recently promoted by the restaurant owner due to your work ethic and have been given a direct line of contact him if you need it; as per his instructions, you are required to report any major health issues or concerns to the head chef. However, your direct line manager is the Sous Chef. Normally all problems would need to be discussed with him as the first point of contact. The Head Chef generally does not get involved in such incidents unless they are very serious. She does not take kindly to people wasting her time with minor issues. She has a reputation for being hard but fair when settling problems.
  Your task Purpose: As the supervisor, it is my responsibility to ensure that all workers in the kitchen follow safe work practices and adhere to the organization’s policy and procedure for health and safety. I have observed Jack, a new intern, exhibiting inappropriate behaviour such as waving his knife around while chopping and making a mess with the offcuts. This poses a hazard to himself and others in the kitchen. I will take immediate action to correct this behaviour by inducting Jack on safe cutting procedures and cleanliness standards in the kitchen. I will also ensure that all necessary information is provided to him, such as the names of the Health and Safety Representative and Management OHS Nominee, hazard and incident reporting procedures, and emergency procedures. In the event that Jack does not improve his behaviour, I will escalate the issue to the Sous Chef as my direct line manager. However, if the issue is not resolved, I will report it to the Head Chef as per the instructions given to me by the restaurant owner. It is important to ensure a safe and secure work environment for all employees in the kitchen. I will continue to monitor Jack’s behaviour and take necessary actions to maintain a safe work environment. Roles and responsibilities Chef: As the Chef, I am responsible for ensuring the safety of all staff in the kitchen, including the new intern, Jack. Upon noticing Jack exhibiting inappropriate behaviour, such as waving his knife around while chopping and making a mess with offcuts, it is my duty to provide training and educate him on safe work practices in the kitchen. I will begin by demonstrating the proper use of knives and the safe cutting procedures that must be followed, according to the organization’s policy and procedure. I will also take the opportunity to explain to Jack the importance of following safe work practices and our obligations under WHS/OHS legislation. Furthermore, I understand the importance of reporting any unsafe work practices, issues, and breaches of health, safety, and security procedures in the workplace. To fulfill this responsibility, I will write an email to my head chef, informing her of Jack’s unsafe behavior and the steps I have taken to address it. Intern: My role is to participate in the practical demonstration provided by the Chef. I will be trained on safe knife usage and the importance of following health, safety, and security procedures in the workplace. I will be expected to follow the Chef’s instructions and perform the tasks as directed by them. Additionally, I will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on any concerns regarding the safe work practices in the kitchen. In conclusion, as the Chef, I take my role and responsibilities in maintaining a safe and secure working environment very seriously. I am committed to providing training and education to all staff, including Jack, to ensure the continued safety of everyone in the kitchen.  Tasks to be performed
  You will be required to complete and/or attach.  
  Timeframe You are required to complete this activity in 10-15 minutes. You can complete the templates in your own time.
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Template: Hazard form
Date 08/02/2023 Reported by [name]
Hazard location [give location] Position [State position]
Description of the hazard
In a cookery setting, fire can occur due to various reasons such as overheated oil, leaving the stove unattended, faulty equipment, improper handling of flammable liquids, and more. It can pose a significant threat to both the kitchen staff and the customers.
Action taken
It is important to follow proper safety measures and have fire extinguishing equipment readily available to minimize the risk of fire and to control the spread of fire in case of an occurrence.
Signature [place your signature here]
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Template: Training  
Date: give date
Trainer name: provide trainer name
Trainee name: give trainee name
Feedback provided:
List 2 3 feedback of the trainee that gained during the training
Email template
Email to stakeholders
Date email is sent:
Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Trainer/ Assessor to complete
Does the candidate meet the following criteria? Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments
Work Safely      
the ramifications of failure to observe WHS legislation and organisational policies and procedures.      
Activity 2: Follow procedures for emergency situations.    
  Additional Scenario This scenario is divided into two parts – one action is before the incident and the other action will occur once the emergency incident has been handled by the Chef. Before incident Although you have briefed your staff on proper safety and security procedures, the new intern fails to adhere to the new guidelines and, while working with knives, slices open his hand and is bleeding profusely. As he is in pain and is wildly swinging his hand around, he also knocks a vat of hot oil onto the floor which catches fire. This fire is preventing access to the first aid kit. There is a fire extinguisher located on the wall. After the incident After the incident, you re-enter the premises and immediately realise that your keys are missing (having been lost during the incident) and that the office safe has been opened. There are documents, 5000 dollars of cash and a laptop missing from the safe. After checking the CCTV footage, you identified that the thief was wearing a mask, is of medium build, male and well dressed.
  Your task Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to assess the knowledge and ability of the chef in managing workplace health and safety (WHS/OHS) requirements in the event of an emergency incident and potential security breach. The chef is required to demonstrate their understanding of proper emergency response procedures, hazard management, and security protocols by responding to the scenario outlined. This includes using a fire extinguisher, accessing the first aid kit, checking CCTV footage, reporting the theft, and following proper procedures to secure the premises. The chef’s performance will be evaluated using a performance checklist and their actions will be used to improve safety and security protocols in the workplace. Roles and responsibilities: Chef The role of the chef in this scenario is to demonstrate the proper application of health and safety guidelines and procedures, respond to emergencies, provide first aid to the injured intern, and report the theft incident to the emergency services and superiors. The chef is responsible for ensuring the safety of the employees and maintaining order during the emergency situation. Intern The intern is responsible for following the health and safety guidelines provided by the chef and the organisation. They are also responsible for adhering to the safe work practices while handling knives and other equipment in the kitchen. During the scenario, they are responsible for following the emergency procedures and seeking medical attention in case of any injury. They should also assist in any way possible to control the situation and ensure the safety of all involved until the emergency services arrive.   Two staff members As staff members, their roles and responsibilities are as follows:   Sous Chef or Head Chef The Sous Chef or Head Chef is responsible for overseeing the operations of the kitchen and ensuring the safety of all employees. In case of an emergency situation, their role and responsibility include:     Emergency authorities team The emergency authorities’ team will play the role of responding to the emergency call and providing assistance to manage the situation. They will be responsible for assessing the situation, providing medical treatment to the intern if necessary, controlling the fire and securing the area, and conducting an investigation into the theft that occurred during the incident. Tasks to be performed  
  You will be required to complete and/or attach.   You are required to conduct the role play, follow the emergency procedures, and complete and submit the following: 1. First aid injury report form 1 with all the intern’s accident details. 2. Incident and security report form 2. Your trainer/assessor will observe your performance and complete the below-provided performance checklist
  Timeframe You are required to complete this activity in 15-20 minutes. You can complete the templates in your own time.
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Template: First aid injury report form 1
Date of Accident: Time of Accident: Name of person/s injured/ involved: In the accident/incident at: Address: Cause of the accident: Sliced hand while using a knife, knocked over hot oil resulting in a fire   Name of person/s witness to the accident: Address: Nature of the Injuries: Deep laceration on hand, oil burns, moderate smoke inhalation Subsequent action and treatment involved:  Stopped the flow of blood, called emergency services, provided first aid, evacuated the area, filled out emergency incident report Next of Kin/Parent Advised:   /  No           Method of Advice: Signed by:                                                                                               Date: Job Title: Address:
Template: Incident and security report form 2
Reported By:     Date Of Report:   Title / Role:     Incident No.:     Incident Information Incident Type:     Date Of Incident:    Location:   City:     State:     Zip Code:   Specific Area Of Location (If Applicable):   Incident Description:     Name / Role / Contact Of Parties Involved 1.   2.   3. Staff Members: [Names of the Two Staff Members] Name / Role / Contact of Witnesses 1.   2.   3.     Police Report Filed?     Precinct:    Reporting Officer:     Phone:     Follow-Up Action:         Supervisor Name:   Supervisor Signature:      Date:    
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:
Trainer/ Assessor to complete
Does the candidate meet the following criteria? Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments
as able to provide an accurate verbal report of the incident to the emergency authorities:           

Activity 3: Follow safe work practices  
  Additional Scenario It is a Saturday morning and the food delivery van has arrived in the loading bay to deliver the food supplies ordered by the restaurant. There are two boxes that weigh around 2 kg which need to be taken from the loading bay to the kitchen store room.
  Resources required
  Your task I need to:
  You will be required to complete and/or attach. You are required to demonstrate safe lifting techniques in the kitchen Your trainer/assessor will observe your performance and complete the below-provided performance checklist
  Timeframe You are required to complete this activity in 7-10 minutes.
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:
Trainer/ Assessor to complete
Does the candidate meet the following criteria? Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments
understanding of safe work practices of kitchen job roles. in the kitchen is maintained      
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

  Activity 4: Work health, safety and security meeting  
  Your task Chef As the Chef, it is important to be aware of the various hazards and risks present in the kitchen and to take appropriate measures to minimize these risks. During the health, safety, and security management meeting, you should discuss the hazards you have identified in activities 1, 2 and 3 and suggest improvements to the work practices. This may include suggestions on how to better organize the kitchen, how to reduce slip and trip hazards, how to improve the storage of hazardous materials, and how to better manage the workload of staff. It is also important to consider the role of the restaurant manager in implementing these improvements, and to work together to establish clear lines of responsibility for health and safety in the workplace. Finally, it is important to listen to the suggestions and feedback from other team members and to work together to create a safe and secure work environment for everyone. Restaurant manager Staff member As the chef in this scenario, during the health, safety and security management meeting, I will contribute by sharing my observations and insights from the previous activities, specifically on the identified health and security hazards in the workplace. I will discuss these hazards and provide suggestions on the safe work practices that can be implemented in the kitchen to ensure a safe and secure workplace. I will also identify the person responsible for taking action to address these hazards and set timelines for implementing the necessary changes. I will also address the feedback collected from the intern and discuss any suggestions for improvement proposed by the team member. At the end of the meeting, I will confirm and clarify any doubts the team members may have and take note of any additional suggestions they propose. This will help us to maintain a continuous improvement culture and ensure that the workplace remains safe and secure for all staff.
  You will be required to complete and/or attach. You need to participate in the health, safety, and security management meeting and submit the following after completion to your trainer/assessor: Your trainer/assessor will observe your performance and complete the below-provided performance checklist
  Timeframe You are required to complete this activity in 10-15 minutes. You can complete the templates in your own time.
Template: Health, safety and security management meeting record
Chaired by:                                                                                    
Agenda item Issue Recommendation Responsible Completion date Review of Health and Safety Policies and Procedures     Lack of training for employees on health and safety procedures. Outdated policies and procedures. Inconsistent implementation of policies and procedures. Lack of resources for health and safety. (e.g., personal protective equipment) Regular review and updating of policies and procedures to ensure they reflect current legislation, industry standards, and best practices.   Review of all policies and procedures to identify areas of improvement and potential gaps. Ensure that all employees are trained and understand the policies and procedures.   This responsibility can be assigned to the Health and Safety Committee or a designated Health and Safety Officer, or a combination of both. Date by which the recommendations related to agenda item 3 need to be implemented] Review of Incident Reports     Unreported incidents Inconsistent reporting process Inadequate investigation and follow-up of incidents Trends in incidents that indicate ongoing safety concerns Regular review of all incident reports to identify patterns and trends.   Developing and implementing new policies, procedures or training programs to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. Conducting investigations of incidents to determine root causes and make recommendations for improvement.       This responsibility can be assigned to the Health and Safety Committee, the management, or the designated Health and Safety Officer. Date by which the recommendations related to agenda item 3 need to be implemented] Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan     Inadequate training for employees on emergency response procedures Outdated emergency response plan Lack of clear evacuation procedures Insufficient emergency response equipment (e.g. fire extinguishers, emergency lighting)   Regular review and testing of the emergency response and evacuation plan to ensure it is up-to-date and effective.   Providing training to all employees on emergency response and evacuation procedures. Identifying potential hazards and updating the emergency response and evacuation plan accordingly. Designating an evacuation coordinator and backup, who are responsible for overseeing evacuation in the event of an emergency. This responsibility can be assigned to the Emergency Response Team or the Fire Safety Officer, or a combination of both. It is important to ensure that all employees are aware of the emergency response procedures and trained in the correct actions to take in the event of an emergency.       [Date by which the recommendations related to agenda item 3 need to be implemented]
Signature: [Signature of the person who chaired the meeting]  
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:
Trainer/ Assessor to complete
Does the candidate meet the following criteria? Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments
as able to provide an accurate verbal report of the incident that took place in activity 1,2 and 3    d confidentiality and privacy      

Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)  
  Outcome of Unit Assessment Task (UAT) First attempt:   Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):  Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐   Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year) Second attempt:   Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):  Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐ Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)
  Feedback to Student First attempt:           Second attempt:          
  Student Declaration I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work.  Where I have accessed information from other sources, I have provided references and or links to my sources. I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used as part of my submission. I have provided references for all sources where the information is not my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation and plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that all work I submit must be verifiable as my own. I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidence undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed. All appeal options have been explained to me.
  Student Signature  
  Trainer/Assessor Name  
  Trainer/Assessor Declaration I hold: þ Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered þ Current relevant industry skills þ Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake þ Ongoing professional development in VET I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid, and reliable. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment.  I have provided feedback to the above-named candidate.
  Trainer/Assessor Signature  
  Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student Management System on _________________ (insert date) by (insert Name) __________________________________
SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices


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