Robert Frost

      Topic: Your research paper should include the following: -The name of your author -Author’s biography (education, personality, life events, interesting facts, et.) -Discuss
The post Robert Frost first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.




Topic: Your research paper should include the following:
-The name of your author
-Author’s biography (education, personality, life events, interesting facts, et.)
-Discuss the author’s most famous book/short story/essay/poem. What is the subject of the text? What was the author’s purpose for writing the text? Audience (who did the author expect to read the text? Occasion (what major event was happening during the time the book was written OR in the setting of the book)?
Answer the following questions:
-How did the author’s life influence his or her writing?
-Why do you think the author’s books are so famous?
-How do you feel about what you learned?



The post Robert Frost first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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