Introduction You have been assigned the task of sitting on an Institutional rev

You have been assigned the task of sitting on an Institutional review board (IRB) to consider the approval or rejection of a research proposal that involves ethical issues. Before reading the proposal, review Are You Thinking About Being in a Research Study
. After your review, read the proposal and answer the questions below.
Tyrone wants to study the impact of watching sexually suggestive/explicit television on people’s attitudes toward sex. He plans to test ninth graders because he believes they are still young enough to be highly impressionable. He will solicit volunteers to come after school. Half will be assigned to watch one hour of sexually explicit clips from a cable TV show while the other half will view an hour of clips from the same show that deals with nonsexual topics. After watching the TV shows, all participants will fill out a questionnaire about their attitudes toward sex.
Answer the following questions:
What additional information might you want to know about the study in order to decide whether or not it should be approved?
What are the benefits that might result from this research? What are the potential harms?
As a member of the IRB review committee, would you approve this proposal? Why or why not?
This assignment is adopted from Allyson J. Weseley, EdD Roslyn High School, Roslyn Heights, NY


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