From the Vault: Barack Obama, September 1995″ (Dreams from My Father)

            Discussion 13: “From the Vault: Barack Obama, September 1995” (Dreams from My Father) Students must answer at least five questions
The post From the Vault: Barack Obama, September 1995″ (Dreams from My Father) first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.







Discussion 13: “From the Vault: Barack Obama, September 1995” (Dreams from My Father)

Students must answer at least five questions below:

1. How does the young Barack Obama appear to be different from the mature, older Obama, as we have seen him in recent years?

2. Accordingly, why did Obama write the his first book?

3. What was Obama’s relationship to his father?

4. How did Obama experience racism, growing up in Hawaii?

5. How did Malcolm X influence Barack Obama?

6. What was Obama’s relationship to Frank?

7. How did Obama relate to Toot and Gramps?

The post From the Vault: Barack Obama, September 1995″ (Dreams from My Father) first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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