Is It Better to Have Children When You Are Young or When You Are Older? Statisti

Is It Better to Have Children When You Are Young or When You Are Older?
Statistics tell us that women are having fewer children and delaying their first child until later. Many women now safely have children up until menopause. Respond to the forum by answering the questions that follow. Are there any advantages to having your children earlier? Explain your answer. Or does the wisdom that seems associated with being an older mom (in addition to a satisfying career) encourage women to put off having children until later? What’s better for the children? Which is better for the parents? *Remember to follow the discussion guidelines.*
Papalia and Olds suggest the following.
you have more energy
young mothers have fewer medical problems with their pregnancies
you are younger when kids are grown
you can concentrate on work when the kids are grown
you have a cushion of time to conceive
you have fewer years to engage in risky behaviors
you have fewer unrealistically high expectations
you have more time to plan family and career goals
you are more mature
you have time to advance your career
you can relax and enjoy your children since you’ve already accomplished many goals
you have more money for labor-saving devices and child care
you have more seniority at work and may be able to work at home
you have a keener appreciation for your children since you’ve waited so long for them
Olds, S. W. (1989). The working parents’ survival guide. Rocklin, CA: Prima. Please follow the discussion guidelines below:
Discussion Forums: The discussion forums are not optional, nor are the discussion forum responses. Active participation in the unit discussions is essential. Active participation requires that you develop a substantive initial posting for each of the unit discussions, you may state your opinion in your post, but you must have resources to back up your response. Merely staying your opinion is not a sufficient response to the discussion. Your initial discussion board posting must be a minimum of 250 words.
Discussion Forum Initial & Peer Response
Unit discussion forums initial response: Your initial discussion forum posting must be a minimum of 250 words and include at minimum three in-text citations. You must list your reference source at the end of your posting. If you do not list reference (s), you will not receive full credit for your posting. All post must be posted directly to the forum do not post any responses as an attachment, or you will not receive credit for the post. You must have a reference. You must complete citations and references using APA format.
Unit Discussion Forum Peer Response: You must respond to the discussion of two of your peers. The responses to your peers also need to be substantive that will contribute to the discussion by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and present supportive material related to the topic. Responding to a peers discussion post with only “I agree” is not sufficient and you will not receive credit for that response.
You must list your reference source in your posting. If you do not list references, you will not receive full credit for your posting. All post must be posted directly to the forum; do not post any responses as an attachment, or you will not receive credit for the post.
The discussion board due dates are listed on your course schedule. If you post after the due date/time, you will receive 10 points off. The grades for the discussion board’s initial posting and responses will be graded by the end of each week. If you turn in a late post (after the posted due date), you will not receive credit for peer responses. You need to respond in a timely manner so that your classmates are able to respond to your posts.
Be sure that you check grammar and spelling before submitting the discussion post (I want to avoid seeing U instead of you or i instead of I etc…) as this will be a part of the discussion post grade.
**You must have a reference with all initial discussion forum postings.**


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