Students, The Literature Review Paper #2 may grant you up to 20 Points for your

Students, The Literature Review Paper #2 may grant you up to 20 Points for your Final Grade. Not uploading Paper #2 will decrease your Total Score lowering your Final Grade by two Letter Grades… Continue and follow Instructions below…
The Literature Review Research Paper MUST follow APA Writing Guidelines – Some APA Guidelines are provided on the above document… It is imperative the student open and read the document above…Students MUST follow these guidelines to write the paper…the paper is due on Monday, June 5, 2023 BEFORE 11:00 pm…
The paper MUST include (required) information from a minimum of three (3) journals from Florida National University (FNU) Library Database of Journals…, any other source of information should be additional to the three Journals…
Students MUST choose the journals that include and discuss the topic chosen by the student, obtain information from them, and write the paper…
NOTE: Points will be deducted if APA Writing Guidelines, the above included APA Style Paper Format, and Instructions provided by the Instructor are not followed…
As the Topic for your paper, students may choose any subtitle from any chapter from the Textbook or the Power Points provided within this Course Content in Blackboard…
It is not required to write the paper about the whole chapter, only a fraction of it, the part that more interests you, or that you best understand or like…
Any Topic chosen that it is not from any chapter from the book or power points will be rejected…!!!
The Literature Review Paper MUST be completed and uploaded as a Word Document, otherwise the system will not identify it and I will not be able to grade it, therefore, you may not receive the points earned…
Do not type the paper information directly on this unit item…only a Word Document uploaded will be accepted and graded…!!!
Students, there is only one attempt to upload the paper, therefore, before you upload it, assure yourself the paper has complied with APA Writing Guidelines, the Document above, and my own instructions, otherwise you will lose points:


Don`t copy text!
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