HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing

Assessment 2: Literature Review- Evidence-Based Practice

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing

CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence to practice

Instructions for StudentInstructions Select one of the topics below and undertake a literature review using evidence-based Practice (EBP).   Topics The impacts of effective hand hygiene practices in nursing.Improvements in nursing interventions in the past 100 years, and patient recovery outcomes.The importance of stress and self-care management for nurses.How does linking theoretical knowledge to clinical nursing practice improve patient outcomes?   Steps to assist with your literature review Review APA6 guidelines. Decide on a topic. Identify the literature that you will review.Analyse the literature. Summarise the literature in table or concept map format. Synthesise the literature prior to writing your review. Writing the review The word count is between 1,000 – 1,500.

Assessment 2: Literature Review- Evidence-Based Practice

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing

CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence to practice

Assessment CriteriaSNSIn competency-based assessment all assessment task must be assessed as satisfactory (S) for a competent (CA) result to be achieved. In the case where an assessment task is not satisfactory (NS) a resubmission will be required for the outstanding (NS) assessment. Demonstrate evidence of your knowledge of conducting a literature review, using evidence-based practice, including:Identification of the literature reviewed.                 Analysis of the literature.    Summarised the literature in table or concept map format.                 Synthesis of the literature prior to writing the review.    Clearly and concisely summarised the literature review                 Comments / Additional Assessment Assessment Result                        S                     NS Student Signature Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Date 

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