Assessment 2 – Narrated Presentation

Assessment 2 – Narrated Presentation Assessment Type Narrated Presentation of an Educational

Resource Description: Teaching and Learning Outline.  In this assessment item you are required to:

1. Topic is: Blood Glucose level management and subcutaneous insulin application for patients with type 2 diabetes.

2. Conceptualise an educational resource that will address that topic.

3. Rationalise how the educational resource will address the topic using adult learning theories. Presentation content

Presentation Layout:

1.  Title: Blood Glucose level management and subcutaneous insulin application for patients with type 2 diabetes.

2. Background to the issue:

– Identify the topic.

– Who is affected (patients)? 

– How are they affected (what is the potential topic-related knowledge gap identified?)?

– What are the consequences of not addressing this gap in knowledge?

– Intext- citations

3. Learning needs analysis (LNA):

– Present your LNA (minimum of 2 different methods to analyse learning needs + results indicated.)

– This should provide the rationale for your proposed education resource.

–  Intext citations

4. Teaching methods:

– Justify 2 or more teaching methods. E.g.: practical demonstration, fact sheet, PowerPoint presentation that will help teach your patients about diabetes management

–  Which domains of Bloom’s taxonomy are used e.g., Educational activities: Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge) Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude) Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)?

 – What are the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching methods used to teach your patient, including participant engagement?

– Intext Citations

5. Learning outcomes (LO):

– Present 2 or more learning outcomes for the education resource that corresponds with the Bloom’s taxonomy domains.

– and are measurable, specific, time bounded

– Intext reference

6. Assessment of the LO:

– How will the outcomes of the educational resource be evaluated?

– What methods will be used to evaluate the LOs corresponding to the domains in Bloom’s taxonomy? An example or summary of the content of these were provided

– Intext citations

 7. Reference list: APA reference

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