Black Power movement.

You have been divided into two groups. Group A will support SNCC and what evolved into the Black Power movement. Group B will support the SCLC
The post Black Power movement. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

You have been divided into two groups. Group A will support SNCC and what evolved into the Black Power movement. Group B will support the SCLC (Martin Luther King, Jr.’s movement). To participate in the debate, you need to research both positions. The required work will help you. Who will you be in this debate? What character will you pick? It does not have to be an actual historical figure. You can be, for example, a white SNCC worker, or a Black Panther working in the breakfast program. Stay in character. Post your initial post in character supporting your assigned position.


The post Black Power movement. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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