After reading Chapter 8 of Pozgar (2019), write a five-paragraph, 500-word essay on what you think is the most important dilemma related to organizational ethics and the law presented in that chapter.

After reading Chapter 8 of Pozgar (2019), write a five-paragraph, 500-word essay on what you think is the most important dilemma related to organizational ethics and the law presented in that chapter. Include the following information in each designated paragraph:
Identify the ethical dilemma that you chose as the most important from Chapter 8 and explain why. Clearly and concisely state the purpose of the essay.
Describe how organizational and professional codes or ethics were violated in this case.
What do you think is the most important ethical issue to consider about the ethical dilemma that you chose? Explain all its aspects.
Describe some of the duties and responsibilities of health care organizations and how the failure to adhere to those duties can result in both legal and ethical issues.
After your examination of the history and ethical issues surrounding this dilemma, what conclusions have you reached? Explain why.
Write at least a 500+ word response. Each paragraph should be at least 100 words long.
Include an APA-formatted title page and reference list.


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