Marketing Plan Part 5. The product is Iphone13/ Apple

Complete and submit the template provided. Marketing Plan Part 5. The product is Iphone13/ Apple
I will attach parts 1,2,3, and 4 for guidance.
Include details on each section in the marketing mix.
Product Strategy: Recommend the product line/product mix strategies that should be used. Consider how the product will benefit the target market with features, packaging, brand, and label.
Promotion Strategy: Recommend marketing communication channels for your chosen product. Recommend two marketing communication channels for your chosen product. Briefly describe each and explain why they are appropriate based on your persona.
Pricing Strategy: Consider how pricing for your chosen product should be set. Determine the pricing objective and tactics for the pricing strategy.
Place Strategy: Recommend how the company will supply the product/service to the consumer efficiently. Are there types of retailers or resellers to consider? What changes in the market would need to be considered? What is the distribution channel?
Research, APA in-text citations, and APA formatted references are required for each section of the Marketing Plan.


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