“selah” moments

  what spiritual disciplines did you put into practice? Were you able to practice “selah” moments in your week? Lessons learned about rest, good soul care,
The post “selah” moments first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


what spiritual disciplines did you put into practice?
Were you able to practice “selah” moments in your week?
Lessons learned about rest, good soul care, etc.
Selah means: that day we didn’t have any class. So write about a short trip I went on that Friday with my parents to San Diego to visit one of my mother’s cousins. It was a good rest for me during this summer semester. And my parents are here from Iran for one month, so spending time with them is a great feeling, and I try to enjoy and be thankful for each moment I spend with them. you can add what ever you want



The post “selah” moments first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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