Write 4 to 5 pages forecasting Euro in short term 35 days with actual data from financial sources , design the most effective and predictive forecasting model for the Euro

Write 4 to 5 pages forecasting Euro in short term 35 days with actual
data from financial sources , design the most effective and predictive
forecasting model for the Euro. The methodology of the model must be
fully explained and so must the limitations. Discuss the theoretical
foundations of your model, choice of variables and measurement
techniques, and its predictive powers. You must explain why you choose
certain variables, measurement techniques, etc.
You must address
questions, such as: a) “Does the model predict the short, medium and
long term (spot to 6 months)? If so, how effective is it? b) Do you
weigh each country equally or proportionally and if so, using which
variables? c) What would happen if certain events occurred, i.e.
escalation in Russia Cybersecurity tensions/Ukraine war outcome? d) Can
you use conventional foreign exchange modeling tools (i.e. market based
forecasting, etc) on the Euro? Is the Euro an ordinary, conventional
Paper must be in a WORD document (no pdf) with page numbers and a cover page
PDF file has many data that can help with the writing DO NOT COPY just
get the idea and actual data that will save time .


Don`t copy text!
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