(I will upload my outline for this assignment and the reading 1 Goffman and read

(I will upload my outline for this assignment and the reading 1 Goffman and reading 2 Hall.)
In your Reflection #1, you will be asked to describe a real-life event/topic/issue that you are interested in and will be asked to analyze it through TWO readings from the course list. In analysis, make sure you include TWO keywords from the study guide for each reading.
In your reflection, please include the following:
1) A descriiption of your topic/issue/event you are about to analyze: Give a general introduction or summary of the subject and discuss what you have found particularly interesting about this topic. This should work as an effective opening to your analysis forward and provide enough background information to the reader.
2) Analysis of your topic in (1) through Reading #1: This should include your thorough analysis of the reading and critical evaluation of the reading on the topic using TWO or more keywords from the study guide.
3) Analysis of your topic in (1) through Reading #2 : This should include your thorough analysis of the reading and critical evaluation of the reading on the topic using TWO or more keywords from the study guide.
4) Your evaluation of the topic and the readings based on how the readings confirm/complicate/add a new perspective to the understanding of the topic, and vice versa.

Writing Instructions:
Format: 12-pts Times New Roman, 1-inch margin, double-spaced.
Length: approx 750- 1,000 words. Please limit your response to no more than five pages.


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