CS5809 Digital Innovation and Strategy

Reassessment/Coursework for 2022/23


Main Objective of the Assessment………………………………………………………………………. 1

Description of the Assessment…………………………………………………………………………… 2

Learning Outcomes and Marking Criteria……………………………………………………………… 2

Format of the Assessment………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Submission Instructions……………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Avoiding Academic Misconduct………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Late Coursework…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Assessment TitleReflective EssayModule LeaderDistribution Date07/07/2023Submission Deadline04/08/2023Feedback by28/08/2023Contribution to overall module assessment100%Indicative student time working on assessment35 HoursWord or Page Limit (if applicable)4000 Words (not including references)  Assessment Type (individual or group)  Individual


Important Notice: You should note that this assignment is learning-outcome based. To pass this assignment, you should demonstrate the accomplishment of all 3 learning outcomes for this module in the essay.

The reflective essay aims to test the accomplishment of the learning outcomes at an individual level.

Learning outcome 1:

Describe and discuss the state-of-the-art in digital business improvement and change.

To demonstrate this learning outcome in your essay, you need to describe the background of the research area related to your chosen topic, such as relevant business models, change theories or data management methods. Apart from the issues discussed in the class, you need to be able to introduce additional sources of information through books, journals or conference proceedings.

Learning outcome 2:

Demonstrate practical skills related to digital business improvement and change.

To demonstrate this learning outcome, you must analyse and evaluate the case study using an appropriate model, theory or method. Apart from the approaches discussed in the class, you need to be able to introduce additional sources of information through books, journals or conference proceedings.

Learning outcome 3:

Reflect critically on the state-of-the-art of theory and practice in digital business improvement and change.

To demonstrate this learning outcome, you have to identify and briefly but effectively describe and reflect on the digital business improvement and change ideas and show how well these ideas perform in the case study.


Reflective essay

The reflective essay is an essay with a maximum of 4000 words that will be graded individually. This essay should fully explore and reflect on one of the following three topics using a chosen case study.

Topic 1:

It is predicted that the number of devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) will reach 15.1 billion by 2023. The adoption of IoT will cause change to an organisation both internally (e.g., within the organisation) and externally (e.g., the relationships with customers and partners). Use a single case study of your choice to critically analyse and illustrate how to manage the change caused by IoT in the organisation to survive in the changing environment.

Topic 2:

A business model demonstrates how an organisation creates and delivers value to customers. The developments in digital innovation, such as IoT, have changed the traditional balance between customers and suppliers. Use a single case study of your choice to critically analyse and illustrate how the organisation’s digital business model works to profit from the adoption of IoT.

Topic 3:

The mountain of data generated by the devices used in IoT is forcing organisations to rethink how to capture, store, process and retrieve data. Use a single case study of your choice to critically analyse and illustrate how to effectively manage the data of IoT to derive more value from it.

You need to consult academic references relevant to the topic selected that will help you in the essay. The literature review undertaken will need to be fully referenced following the Harvard style. This should be used to give a critical analysis of the subject.

Your essay should be your individual work. Although it may be based on the same case study as other members of your class and possibly similar analysis topics, it has to be developed and written by yourself. Thus all essays must be distinct and individual. Any copying in whole or in part will be subject to plagiarism penalties – see the ISC Student Handbook.


Learning outcomes for the assessmentAssessment and marking criteriaLearning Outcome 1: Describe and discuss the state-of-the-art in digital business improvement and change. There is no evidence of an ability to demonstrate this learning outcome or little evidence and not enough to come close to the threshold.E+, E, E-, F+, F, F- Fail or Narrow failThe coursework does not demonstrate this learning outcome unequivocally in the manner specified in the requirements for this task. However, there is some evidence that the work overall is very close to demonstrating this learning outcome.D+, D, D- Fail (near miss)Threshold requirements: The essay demonstrates an understanding of the fundamental theories and research done in the area of their selection. There is clear evidence of well-referenced sources from relevant literature.C+, C, C- PassMerit requirements: The threshold requirements are met. In addition, the essay shows: journal and supporting articles and secondary research are well chosen (relevant to the subject and demonstrate good skills in searching the research literature);it demonstrates skill in organising, presenting and interpreting knowledge from the relevant research literature;it is well structured and identifies terms that make the essay understandable to a reader.B+, B, B- Merit

Distinction requirements: The merit requirements are met. The essay is written at an excellent level. The essay is structured and focused. Additionally, the essay displays a high maturity rate when describing and discussing the application of theory(ies) in a practical context. In addition, the essay: Demonstrates skill in critical evaluation of the research literature;Demonstrates skill in synthesising the material from the research literature with the material from the taught course;Demonstrates insight and a high level of understanding through the interpretations of the literature presented and the arguments made.A+, A, A- DistinctionLearning Outcome 2: Demonstrate practical skills related to digital business improvement and change. There is no evidence of an ability to demonstrate this learning outcome or little evidence and not enough to come close to the threshold.E+, E, E-, F+, F, F- Fail or Narrow failThe coursework does not demonstrate this learning outcome unequivocally in the manner specified in the requirements for this task. However, there is some evidence that the work overall is very close to demonstrating this learning outcome.D+, D, D- Fail (near miss)Threshold requirements: The essay describes and evaluates the outcomes and consequences of the state-of-the-art in the case study. The analysis and evaluation are supported by some evidence from the case study, current literature or any other sources.C+, C, C- PassMerit requirements: The threshold requirements are met. In addition, the analysis and evaluation are strong, well-argued and supported by clear evidence from the case study and current literature or any other sourcesB+, B, B- MeritDistinction requirements: The student clearly provides their own perspective on the case and effectively combines an understanding of the application of the theory with a clear identification of the industrial problem and implications of the solution.A+, A, A- DistinctionLearning Outcome 3: Reflect critically on the state-of-the-art of theory and practice in digital business improvement and change. There is no evidence of an ability to demonstrate this learning outcome or little evidence and not enough to come close to the threshold.E+, E, E-, F+, F, F- Fail or Narrow failThe coursework does not demonstrate this learning outcome unequivocally in the manner specified in the requirements for this task. However, there is some evidence that the overall work is very close to demonstrating this learning outcome.D+, D, D- Fail (near miss)Threshold requirements: The aims and objectives of the essay are identified and then explained to a partial extent showing how they have been achieved. The essay illustrates the use of at least one critical reflection in the context of the chosen article.C+, C, C- PassMerit requirements: The threshold requirements are met. The aims and objectives of the essay are well identified, and the essay explains very well how they have been achieved. In addition, the essay defined and discussed within the confines of the essay application of critical reflections on theoretical concepts.B+, B, B- MeritDistinction requirements: The merit requirements are met. In addition, the essay described and discussed the critical reflections.A+, A, A- Distinction

Overall Module GradingAssessment and marking criteriaFail: Some fails or some learning outcomes are at ‘narrow fail’ onlyE+, E, E-, F+, F, F- Fail or Narrow failFail: No fails, but some learning outcomes are at ‘near miss’ onlyD+, D, D- Fail (near miss)Pass: Three learning outcomes are met at the threshold level in the task (thereby demonstrating broad knowledge of the module topics).C+, C, C- PassMerit: The requirements for a grade B band are met. A merit overall WILL be awarded if all three learning outcomes are graded at the Merit level. At the marker’s discretion, a Merit overall MAY be awarded if 2 out of three learning outcomes are met at the Merit level, and the remaining outcome is a pass.B+, B, B- MeritDistinction: The requirements for a grade A band are met. A Distinction overall WILL be awarded if all learning outcomes are met at the Distinction level. At the marker’s discretion, a Distinction overall MAY be awarded if 2 out of 3 learning outcomes are met at the Distinction level, and the remaining outcome is a Merit.A+, A, A- Distinction


An indicative essay structure is:

Introduction (i.e. discuss IoT)

Literature review (e.g., one of the following topics, relevant change theories, business models or data management)

Case study outline and topic to be addressed (Single Company)

Analysis of the case study using a chosen framework (i.e. Based on the literature review section)

Discussion and critical reflection (including aim, objectives and critical reflections)

6)      Conclusions

Reference list


You must submit your coursework as a PDF file on Wiseflow by 00/08/2023 at 11 am (UK Time). You can follow the link to Wiseflow through the module’s section on Brightspace or login in directly at Wiseflow. The name of your file should follow the normal convention set out in the student handbook, and must therefore include your student ID number (e.g., 0612345.pdf). It can also include the module code (e.g., CS2001_0612345.pdf).


Before working on and then submitting your coursework, please ensure that you understand the meaning of plagiarism, collusion, and cheating (including contract cheating) and the seriousness of these offences. Academic misconduct is serious, and being found guilty of it results in penalties that can reduce the class of your degree and may lead to you being expelled from the University. Information on what constitutes academic misconduct and the potential consequences for students can be found in Senate Regulation 6.

You may also find it useful to read this PowerPoint presentation which explains, in plain English, the different kinds of misconduct, how to avoid (even accidentally) committing them, how we detect misconduct and the common reasons that students give for engaging in such activities.

If you are experiencing difficulties with any part of your studies, remember there is always help available:

Speak to your personal tutor. If you’re not sure who your tutor is, please ask the Taught Programmes Office (TPOcomputerscience@brunel.ac.uk).

Alternatively, if you prefer to speak to someone outside of the Department, you can contact the Student Support and Welfare team.


The clear expectation is that you will submit your coursework by the submission deadline stated in the study guide. In line with the University’s policy on the late submission of coursework (revised in July 2016), coursework submitted up to 48 hours late will be accepted but capped at a threshold pass (D- for undergraduate or C- for postgraduate). Work submitted over 48 hours after the stated deadline will automatically be given a fail grade (F).

Please refer to the Computer Science student information pages and the Coursework Submission Procedure pages for information on submitting late work, penalties applied and procedures in the case of Extenuating circumstances.

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