FAM203A Food as Medicine

ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEFSubject Code and TitleFAM203A Food as MedicineAssessmentLiterature Review: Research and analyse a selected dietIndividual/GroupIndividualLength1500 words (+/ – 10%)Learning OutcomesThis assessment addresses the Subject Learning Outcomes outlined at the bottom of this document.SubmissionDue by 11:55pm AEST Sunday of Module 4.2 (Week 8).Weighting45%Total Marks100 marks


This assessment is aimed at assessing your understanding of a dietary model selected by your Learning Facilitator: how it aligns with holistic nutrition principles and the role that it may play in contributing to a person’s health and wellbeing.

In completing this assessment, you will have demonstrated your understanding of the importance of nutrition in common diets and identify the potential therapeutic benefits and possible disadvantages to health and wellbeing of the selected diet.

This assessment requires you to critically analyse published literature about the selected diet, further advancing your skills at sourcing, identifying and translating reliable and credible health information. You will further develop your critical writing skills, as you are expected to express your ideas in a coherent and logical manner.

You are being assessed on skills and knowledge that will prepare you for clinical research, your ability to research quality information, and to critically analyse, interpret and apply this information in a clinical health-based setting.


Write a Literature Review based on one dietary model selected by your Learning Facilitator. In your Literature Review, you should critically analyse the current peer-reviewed literature.

The following points should be addressed in your Literature Review:

In your introduction, identify and characterise the theory and principles of the selected dietary model.

Do these align with the principles of holistic nutrition?

Referring to the published literature, critically evaluate the evidence of therapeutic potential and the potential disadvantages of this dietary model to health and wellbeing.

Explore the peer-reviewed evidence to identify and discuss the therapeutic benefits of this dietary modelAppraise the nutritional composition of the diet, including what macro, micro or phyto-nutrients are over and/or under represented

Describe the type of person or population this diet is targeted at. Identify and discuss any challenges an individual might face in following this diet.

In your Conclusion, provide an overall statement of efficacy regarding the utilisation of this dietary model in clinical practice.

Explain why this dietary model should or shouldn’t be used in clinical practice

For more information on how to structure your Literature Review, please refer to the Academic Writing Guide available from the Torrens Library here

There are two short videos you can view here – Part 1 on the Definition of a Literature Review, and then Part 2 is the Process of writing a Literature Review. Students should understand the difference between the aims of a Literature Review and an Essay. This assessment is not an Essay.


A minimum of 15 primary peer-reviewed references should be cited in your Literature Review, and they should align and be correctly contextualized to the statements you make in your submission. Correctly contextualizing your evidence to your discussion forms part of your overall grade for this assessment – see Marking Rubric.

It is essential that you use the correct APA 7 style for in-text citation and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here. Correct APA 7 referencing forms part of your overall grade for this assessment – see Marking Rubric.

Submission Instructions

Submit your final Literature Review as a Word document into the Assessment 2 submission link in the Assessment section, found in the main navigation menu of the subject’s Blackboard site. Do not submit your Literature Review in pdf format.

A rubric will be attached to the assessment feedback. Your Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Academic Integrity

Submit your draft through Safe Assign before uploading your Word document to the Assessment 2 submission point. Your Safe Assign report may be reviewed by several Torrens University stakeholders

Ensure all work is your own and does not contravene the Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity is taken very seriously in this subject – we investigate submissions for evidence of the following:

Contract Cheating

Use of Artificial Intelligence




Academic Integrity investigations follow the Academic Integrity Procedure. There are several levels of penalties that may be applied. Mediation may be provided to students as an opportunity to improve academic writing skills and knowledge.

If there is evidence of an alleged breach of Academic Integrity, the student will be informed that their work is under review via Class Messages or in the Assignment Feedback section of My Grades. The student’s submission will not be graded until a decision is handed down by the allocated Torrens University Academic Integrity Officer. This may result in a delay of several weeks before a final grade is released. Your Learning Facilitator will no longer be responsible for the grading of your work beyond the Results Release Date.

If you are concerned about your ability to navigate Academic Integrity successfully at Torrens University, please go to the Academic Integrity page on the Library website to explore a range of AI learning resources.

It should be remembered that Academic Integrity breaches diminish the value of everyone’s hard- earned undergraduate qualifications and the quality of health practitioners that graduate, potentially undermining the safety and ethics of the general public and the health care industry as a whole.

Assessment Rubric

Assessment Attributes Grading schemeFail Fail: 0-49Pass 50-64 FunctionalCredit 65-74 ProficientDistinction 74-89 AdvancedHigh Distinction 90-100 ExceptionalIntroduction:   Description and discussion of the theory and principles of the selected dietary model   10%A very limited or no description and discussion of the theory and principles of selected dietary model that demonstrates a lack understanding of the selected topic.A limited description and discussion of the theory and principles of the selected dietary model that demonstrates a narrow understanding of the topic.A well formulated description and discussion of the theory and principles of the selected dietary model that demonstrates a developing understanding of the topic.A comprehensive description and discussion of the theory and principles of the selected dietary model that clearly demonstrates a highly developed understanding of the topic.A comprehensive and sophisticated description and discussion of the theory and principles of the selected dietary model, which clearly demonstrates an insightful and highly developed understanding of the topic.Review of the Literature:   Critical Discussion and analysis of therapeutic potential and disadvantages           Logical and coherent expression of ideas   40%Minimal or no critical analysis and little to no discussion of the peer- reviewed literature regarding the therapeutic potential.   Minimal or no critical analysis of the possible disadvantages of this model to health and wellbeing.   Ideas are not expressed in a clear or coherent mannerMinimal critical analysis and limited discussion of the peer reviewed literature regarding the therapeutic potential this model to health and wellbeing.   Minimal critical analysis of the possible disadvantages of this model to health and wellbeing.     Ideas are not consistently expressed in a clear or coherent mannerA sufficient critical analysis and discussion of the peer reviewed literature regarding the therapeutic potential of this model to health and wellbeing.   A sufficient critical analysis and discussion of the possible disadvantages of this model to health and wellbeing.   Logical and clear expression of ideas is evidentA detailed critical analysis and discussion of the peer reviewed literature regarding the therapeutic potential of this model to health and wellbeing.   A detailed critical analysis and discussion of the possible disadvantages of this model to health and wellbeing.   Ideas are expressed clearly and logically throughoutA sophisticated and exhaustive critical analysis and discussion of the peer reviewed literature regarding the therapeutic potential and the possible disadvantages of this model to health and wellbeing.   A sophisticated critical analysis and discussion of the possible disadvantages of this model to health and wellbeing.   Ideas are expressed clearly, coherently and logically throughout

Statement of Efficacy:   Provision of an overall statement of efficacy regarding the utilisation of this dietary model in clinical practice.   10%A statement of efficacy that does not represent the evidence discussed.A statement of efficacy that is unclear or does not appropriately represent the evidence discussed.A statement of efficacy that is clear and accurately represents the evidence discussed.A statement of efficacy that is well formulated and engaging, and clearly and precisely represents the evidence discussed.A statement of efficacy that is skillfully executed, engaging, and clearly and precisely represents the evidence discussed.Research skills :   Ability to analyse, interpret and apply evidence-based information.   Use of quality peer reviewed literature   15%Ability to analyse, interpret and apply evidence-based information not demonstrated.   Minimal use of peer- reviewed evidence   Citations linked to poor quality websites.Ability to analyse, interpret and apply evidence-based information demonstrated.   Fewer than 10 examples of peer reviewed evidence utilised.Ability to analyse, interpret and apply evidence-based information well developed.   Appropriate use of peer reviewed literatureAbility to analyse, interpret and apply evidence-based information highly developed.   Comprehensive use of peer reviewed literatureSkilful and sophisticated Ability to analyse, interpret and apply evidence-based information.   Exhaustive use of peer reviewed literature

Referencing:   Correct use of APA 7 referencing and contextualizing to student statements.   10%Incorrect use of APA 7 referencing throughout.   There are no in-text citations.Some inconsistencies in the use of APA 7 referencing   There are in-text citations, but they are not correctly contextualized.Some minor errors in Reference List and in-text citations.   In-text citations are poorly contexualised to student statements.Correct use of APA 7 referencing throughout.   Some errors in contextualizing in-text citations to student statements.Correct use of APA 7 referencing throughout.   In-text citations are very well contexualised to student statements.Formatting to Literature Review style:   Spelling and Grammar:   15%Submission of a pdf instead of Word document as requested.   Formatted and presented as an Essay Style submission, including the use of bullet points and writing in the first person.   Consistent spelling mistakes and grammar issues throughoutSubmission of Word document as requested.     Incorrect Literature Review formatting, including the use of bullet points.   Writes in the third-person     Some spelling mistakes and grammar issues throughoutSubmission of a Word document as requested.     Assessment written in the Literature Review style, not an essay style.   Writes in the third- person   Minimal spelling and grammar issuesSubmission of a Word document as requested.   Assessment written in the literature review style     Writes in the third- person   No spelling and grammar issuesSubmission of a Word document as requested.   Assessment written in the Literature review style.     Writes in the third- person   No spelling and grammar issues

The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessmentSLO a)Critique and describe the origins, dietary principles, philosophies and practices of food as medicine  SLO b)Investigate and describe the potential of dietary models and specific foods as therapeutic tools for the promotion and maintenance of health and wellbeing  SLO c)Review and critically discuss the therapeutic function of whole foods and identify their physiological effects, phytochemical constituents, nutritional value, mechanism of action and potential toxicity  SLO d)Analyse and evaluate the impacts of farming, food preparation, cooking and storage methods, as well as food manufacturing and processing techniques on food quality and the therapeutic function of foods  SLO e)Apply evidence-based research, dietary principles and cultural traditions for the effective nutritional management of health conditions based on the therapeutic function of specific foods

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