You’re an HR manager for a U.S. based organization planning to expand internationally within the next two years to Thailand. Write a preliminary report (6 page minimum) to your CEO to leverage diversity and cultural differences

Report prompt: You’re an HR manager for a U.S. based organization planning to expand internationally within the next two years to Thailand. Write a preliminary report (6 page minimum) to your CEO to leverage diversity and cultural differences to build a competitive advantage. Include: Portion 1. An outline of how International HR Management relates to global business strategy and the value of a well planned and executed IHRM policy and what that brings to the organization Portion 2. A summary of the differences identifiable when comparing United States (headquarters) and Thailand (host country) cultures Portion 3. Your recommendations as to International HR Management best practices in the three (3) areas below for your organization expanding into Thailand, based on *your research*: 1. Training and Development 2. Labor Relations 3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ———— Required sources to include in report: 1. Case study 1 (attached) – A Case Study in Cross-Cultural Management (US/Japan) Case study 2 (attached) – Bavarian Auto Works in Indonesia (Germany/Indonesia) 2. Hofstede Insights Country Comparison Tool – 3. Textbook chapters (use any or all – attached) 4. ANY one of the below: Pew Research Center International Trade Union Confederation United States Trade Representative ———— Format preliminary report as follows: Introduction – (Consisting of writing for portion 1) Comparison of headquarters (United States) culture and Host Country (Thailand) culture – (Consisting of writing for portion 2) International HRM Best Practices: Research and Recommendations – (Consisting of writing for portion 3) References


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