This is part 1 of the paper. I have attached the pages for you to use. You are

This is part 1 of the paper. I have attached the pages for you to use.
You are the project manager for the Jacoby Art Museum’s 100-year anniversary event and will be completing the project planning for this project. Note: for this project, you are only doing the planning phases.
Project Case: Jacoby Art Museum Anniversary Celebration Event
Background: Ferdinand and Cindra Jacoby established the Jacoby Art Museum 100 years ago. The museum occupies an entire block across from Westlake Park in the heart of Seattle. A 7-member board governs the museum—including Martin Jacoby, an heir to the founder, who is chairman of the board. 150 members who are major donors also support the museum, and hold a minority voting power in major decisions regarding it. The board has asked the museum’s curator, Harold Frommage, to host a celebration event to commemorate the museum’s centennial opening.
This will be a 2-part event. Event 1 will include a seated, dinner for the 150 members and the board on Friday evening to thank them for their generous and continued donations to the museum. This will be followed the next day by Event 2, a 4-hour open house event, open to the public. It is currently January 10th, so you have approximately 8 months to plan and prepare.
Create a project charter.
Complete the Project Charter Document [DOWNLOAD] provided.
Analyze the Previous Project Lessons Learned [DOWNLOAD].
Use the Cost Sheets [DOWNLOAD] to determine high-level costs.
Review the Project Requirements [DOWNLOAD] to analyze the high-level project scope and risks.
Summarize your project charter document.


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