Chapter 15 covers both SFBT and MI in Groups, but more information is provided o

Chapter 15 covers both SFBT and MI in Groups, but more information is provided on SFBT than Motivational Interviewing (MI) in the text so I wanted to utilize this week’s assignment to work on MI skillsets. As stated in the text, MI “focuses on present and future conditions and empowers clients to find ways to achieve their goals” (Corey, 2023, p. 345).
Additional source for assistance: Motivational InterviewingLinks to an external site.
GROUP SCENARIO: Image you are facilitating a group of 8 active duty military service members who experience issues with substance abuse and have been referred for group treatment.
Make sure all applications of this assignment reflect your research related to military populations.
Open-ended Questions
Personal Affirmations
Listen & Engage in Reflections
Provide Summaries
1) OARS – Utilizing your research on OARS as applied from MI, identify the following as it would apply to this specific group scenario and military population: Cite/Support as needed – 10 points
3 Open Ended Questions
3 Personal Affirmations
3 Possible Reflective Statements
Impacts of substance use within military populations can differ from civilians. When crafting your responses to this section, think of applications to their career, rank, pay, families, etc.
2) Change Talk – Utilizing the text and your research on Change Talk, identify the following as it would apply to this specific group scenario and military population: Cite/Support as needed- 10 points
3 Disadvantages of the status quo (the present)
3 Advantages of change
3 Optimistic expressions for change
When completing this section, think about some of the behaviors that the group members would like to change but might be hesitant to change. Make sure to include aspects of military culture related to these impacts and issues.
3) MI Strategies – Research a Motivational Intervention Strategy/Exercise that you could conduct as the facilitator for this specific group scenario and military population during a group meeting. Cite/Support – 10 points
Define/Explain the MI Strategy or Exercise
Clearly connect how it applies to your specific group and population
Discuss how you would utilize the exercise in a group setting
Identify how it applies to the aspects of MI mentioned in your text


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