Accounting & Financial Management INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT

       INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT – 1CourseMBAAccounting & Financial ManagementSemester1Total Marks:15

Q.1.Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)A.What are the components of Fixed Assets?B.What is a Bank Reconciliation Statement?C.What is a cost centre?

Q.2.Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each – Word limit – 100)A.Cash ManagementB.Share CapitalC.Balance SheetD.JournalizingE.Types of Accounts

       INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT – 2CourseMBAAccounting & Financial ManagementSemester1Total Marks:15

Q.1.Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)A.Distinguish between Capital Expenditure and Revenue ExpenditureB.Distinguish between financial accounting and management accounting.C.Accounting as a social science can be viewed as an information system. Examine.

Q.2.Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each – Word limit – 100)A.Dividend TheoriesB.Ledger PostingC.Capital and Revenue Receipts and PaymentsD.Cost of DebtE.Accounting Conventions

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