Information Technology for Business INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT

       INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT – 1CourseMBAInformation Technology for BusinessSemester2Total Marks:15

Q.1.Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)A.What do you mean by Expert system? Discuss one of them in detailB.Define ‘Decision’. Explain in detail Decision-making Process and Types of Decisions.C.List out new markets and technologies of ERP. B) Discuss the latest trends in Security.

Q.2.Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each – Word limit – 100)A.Types of InformationB.Activities of MRPIIC.Production Information SystemD.E-Commerce ActivitiesE.Types of DSS

       INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT – 2CourseMBAInformation Technology for BusinessSemester2Total Marks:15

Q.1.Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)A.What is Fire wall? How does it protects Information resourcesB.List different types of CRM. Explain any one in detailC.What are the key supply chain processes? How they are supported by IT solutions

Q.2.Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each – Word limit – 100)A.Transaction DocumentsB.CRM PackagesC.Executive Information Systems (EIS)D.DSS tools for different levels of ManagementE.Supply Chain Processes

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