Corjetz is a low-cost regional airline business. It was established 20 years ago in Corland, a country located in the continent: Strategic Business Leader Case Study, NUS

Corjetz is a low-cost regional airline business. It was established 20 years ago in Corland, a country located in the continent of Hundria. Over the years, it has positioned itself as one of the world’s leading low-cost airlines and is currently the second-largest low-cost airline business operating in Hundria.

Corjetz currently operates nearly 1,000 routes in over 30 countries across Hundria. Its head office is based at Near City airport, located in the south of Corland. Andria is a politically stable and economically developed continent of the world. Most of the countries in Hundria form a trading bloc that facilitates free trade and the free movement of people within it. Each country in Hundria uses its own currency. Corland’s currency is the $.

Corjetz operates a ‘point-to-point’ service, meaning that it operates its flights directly between destinations. This means that its passengers do not have to travel to or change flights at a ‘hub’ airport to reach their destination, which helps Corjetz to reduce its operating costs. It also keeps costs low through its ‘no-frills’ approach to flight delivery.

This approach means that in-flight Meals are not provided (unless paid for separately) and include the automation of a wide range of processes, including bookings, flight documentation, baggage drop, and flight check-in. Additionally, it operates a profitable and popular portfolio of routes between over 130 airports across Hundria.

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