Discussion Topic Introduction: Criminal justice data (statistics on arrests, con

Discussion Topic Introduction: Criminal justice data (statistics on arrests, convictions, and exonerations, etc.) often point to disparities that are then interpreted as evidence of systematic discrimination. This chapter contains information to support that point of view and an offers an opposing viewpoint, which suggests the idea of discrimination in the criminal justice system is a myth.
Based on the points of evidence presented in this reading, the discussion of the terms disparity and discrimination, and applying the framework of the discrimination-disparity continuum, explain your view point to the following question below
Question for Initial Post: How do you explain the racial and ethnic disparities in victimization, offending, imprisonment, wrongful convictions, and law enforcement contact?
Guidelines for Initial Post: Your initial post should demonstrate thoughtfulness towards the question and include support from the reading, while also interpreting the chapter’s concepts. Keep your discussion concise but ensure that it reflects your stance and critical thinking.
Checklist before you submit your posts:
Did you read and understand the instructions?
Did you incorporate concepts and information from the reading in your answer?
Did you cite and provide the source? Including credible sources to support your thinking and point of view is ALWAYS recommended and beneficial.


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