What is Kendi’s point in “My Racist Introduction” and how does he make it? (Opti

What is Kendi’s point in “My Racist Introduction” and how does he make it? (Optional: if you like, you may also argue for how effective he is at conveying his message).
In a 1.5-2 page paper, respond to the question above. Suggested structure for your response State your thesis first: In his introduction to How to be an Antiracist, “My Racist Introduction,” Ibram Kendi uses (or does) _________________ (name the strategies) to convince _________________ (name the audience) of ______________________________ (name the thesis and purpose).
Possible first paragraph (summary) Kendi’s thesis is… He supports it with… (key points)
Possible second and third paragraphs Kendi appeals to _________ by [doing what…] And give examples, most likely quotes, to show what he is doing and to whom he may be appealing. Then be sure to EXPLAIN/ANALYZE how or why your details are good examples of your rhetorical appeals. This will be evaluated based on
Your ideas, observations, and analysis – and how well you support them with details
The accuracy of your summary The clarity of your sentences


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