Customer Relationship Management

Question 1

Describe your chosen BNPL provider. You should give a brief background and include any other information that will help your readers understand your considerations for the following questions. Illustrate three (3) examples of strategies that your chosen BNPL used to get, keep or grow customers in our local context. For each of the examples, evaluate if each strategy is effective.

In the background description of your chosen BNPL provider, you may consider including the following information:

Customer reach within Singapore and beyond if applicable
Product or service innovation to create value for the customer
Channels to interact with customers

Explain what customer-centricity means and how it differs from product-centricity. Discuss three (3) reasons why customer-centricity is important for your chosen BNPL provider.
Explain the term customer experience. Based on what we learned about customer experience in this course, describe an example or scenario that illustrates customer experience for your chosen BNPL. Propose three (3) important considerations for your chosen BNPL provider to improve customer experience.


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