Get Help with Dividends in Corporate Finance and Investment Assignment

Bangor Business School                                                                          Summer 2023

ABJ/ASB-4904; ABJ/ASB-4905; ABJ/ASB-4909

Dividends in Corporate Finance and Investment

Professor Owain ap Gwilym

Please refer to the module assessment information available on your module Blackboard and take time to consider which assignments you intend to write and submit. Please contact Owain if you have any questions about this topic:

It is crucial that you engage thoroughly with this assignment. Many past students have achieved disappointing marks in summer assignments (compared to their previous module average mark) due to a lack of focus during July and August.

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This INDIVIDUAL assignment gives you the opportunity to demonstrate awareness of

current research and practical issues surrounding two perspectives on corporate dividend policy.


Answer all parts:

Using academic and practitioner literature, assess the merits of dividend-based portfolio investment strategies. Your analysis should include a consideration of market conditions (for example, but not restricted to, low/high interest rates). [40 marks for part a]

Critically analyse the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent high global inflation rates on corporate dividend payouts. [30 marks for part b]

Critically analyse three concepts which are associated with contrasting viewpoints on the link between dividends and the value of a firm.

For this part, your review must be based on articles from the following journals only: Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Journal of Financial Research, British Accounting Review, European Journal of Finance. [30 marks for part c]

You should refer to international practical examples as appropriate (especially in parts a and b), but detailed academic content is essential to achieve a strong mark (especially in part c). Additional marks are awarded for using very recent academic or practitioner articles.

You must ensure careful citation of all journal articles and electronic sources of information, and include one list of references. Please make sure that your sources of information are cited and listed in the Harvard referencing style.

Word limit: 3,000 words +/- 10%.

You must apply a 40/30/30 allocation of the word count to parts (a) to (c) of your work.

The word limit includes any footnotes and appendices, but excludes the cover page, any tables/graphics and references. The Word Count must be stated on the cover page of your work. Please use 11 point font, 1.5 line spacing.

Deadline: 31st August 2023. Electronic submission through your module Blackboard.

Apart from plagiarism, Unfair Practice also extends to the use of essay-writing services and AI technology such as Chat GPT. You are reminded that the use of such services to generate work in substitute of your own original contributions contravenes Bangor University’s Academic Integrity policy. Any detected attempt to use such tools will result in referral to the Business School Academic Integrity Officer and may lead to a mark of zero for your work.

The post Get Help with Dividends in Corporate Finance and Investment Assignment first appeared on Diploma Assignment Help.


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