Analysis and critical evaluation of one story or language game and one poem or folktale (approx. 500 words for each of the two choices). Begin by choosing an age group to plan for: either 2–3-year olds, 3–4-year olds, or 5–6-year olds. Select one example of each of the following that you might use with children in your identified age group: • a sample of an oral story

Word/Time limit: 1500 words
This second folio focuses on:
• storytelling, language games, poetry, and folklores (Section A)
• popular culture (Section B)
There are two sections that need to be completed: Sections A and B. Both sections are to be written in third person.
Section A: Analysis and critical evaluation of one story or language game and one poem or folktale (approx. 500 words for each of the two choices).
Begin by choosing an age group to plan for: either 2–3-year olds, 3–4-year olds, or 5–6-year olds.
Select one example of each of the following that you might use with children in your identified age group:
• a sample of an oral story or a language game
• and a poem or a folktale.
You are not to generate your own content but rather find examples (two in total) that are appropriate for your chosen age group.
Note that:
• in the context of this assignment, storytelling refers to telling a story directly to children, rather than reading to them from a book – which was covered in Assignment 2A: Folio Part 1
• language games could include any kind of play-based language experience, including songs or rhymes.
Include information on these resources (e.g. title, author, front cover images) as part of an appendix at the end of your submission. Note that this appendix will not be counted in the word count for this task, although it must be included in your submission.
Your analysis and critical evaluation of the two items (one story or language game and one poem or folktale, approx. 500 words each) must address the following:
• Your analysis must explain how your story or language game and poem or folktale fit within the conventions of these genres. Provide evidence from within each of the texts to justify your analysis.
• Your evaluation should describe:
o the strengths and challenges of the story or language game and poem or folktale
o the usefulness and value of the story or language game and poem or folktale for an educational context. In your response you might consider the appropriateness for the selected age group and the use of gender-ex/inclusive language; whose voice/s are included and whose are excluded
Section B: Discussion on the impact of popular culture (500 words)
In this section, you must discuss the ways in which popular culture impacts on a language and literacy program.
Your discussion must address the following:
• the current trends of popular culture in early childhood education
• the strengths and challenges of using popular culture in a language and literacy program
List three examples of how popular culture could be effectively integrated within a language and literature program for 2–3-year olds, 3–4-year olds, and 5–6-year olds. Note, you are to include one example per age group.
Preparing your Folio
As with Assignment 2A, the learning materials and collaborative activities will further assist you in preparing this second assignment folio. Note in particular:
Section A
• Key concepts related to storytelling and language games are presented in the Week 3 learning materials. The Week 3 activity will help to fine-tune your understanding of the important elements of storytelling.
• Activities in weeks 5, 6 and 7 will allow you to workshop your knowledge of stories, storytelling techniques and language games.
• In the Week 6 and Week 7 learning materials you will see some video demonstrations of storytelling and language games.
• Key concepts related to folktales are introduced in Week 8.
• Key concepts related to poetry are introduced in Week 10.
• The reading bookshelf activity in Weeks 8-10 will support you in finding good examples of poems and folktales.
Section B
• The impact of popular culture is introduced in Week 7 and then addressed further across the following weeks as you review books for your reading bookshelf. In Week 11, you will get a chance to summarise your ideas.
References : 8
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