Sexual Orientation

  Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners
The post Sexual Orientation first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion assignment at least twice each week as follows:

How do your attitudes about sexual orientation affect your everyday behavior?

The first post is a direct response to the topic for the week, written in the Learner’s own words to represent a broad integration of relevant knowledge and understanding of assignment topic. The post must include at least two scholarly sources in response that are not part of the required or recommended reading for the course.


Identify aspects of culture, gender and sexual orientation.

The post Sexual Orientation first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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