Archeologists found an old ola bone of ancient home sapiens, which you need to d

Archeologists found an old ola bone of ancient home sapiens, which you need to determine the approximate height of the person who the ola bone belonged.
Please write a lab report 12-point front, double spaced, 1-inch margents.
The archeologists need to figure out a possible height of the person who the ola bone belonged to.
which must include:
abstract one paragraph, block format, all lines indented 1′ on both sides in addition to margins. abstract paragraph must be 150-250 words no more than that. State the intro, method, topic, hypothesis, method, results( with line graph), and conclusion.
no page breaks
summarize background information paragraph or two. explain purpose of lab(paragraph ) needs to be a full page should include all citations from reference material examples like forensics science, research, articles.
lab need to end with a hypothesis statement. Purpose of the lab is to determine the height of the person who the ola bone belonged to. the Ola bone length was measured with a ruler in cm.
hypothesis needs to be basic format if xxx then xxx will xxx
answer questions
how did you do the lab as an archeologist? needs to be numbered list.
what happened in the lab? how was the ola measured where did you find the olas be creative
needs to include table data (attached) which needs to be sorted either by male’s vs females or lowest to highest #, must include a line graph, pictures (attached) and facts only.
lab report needs to have a line graph based on the table(attached)
what does your results mean? was your hypothesis correct?(why or why not?) source of possible error? (more detail better)
what is your next experiment? creative is better )
Uses proper “in text” citations. Includes a rationale for the study along with a hypothesis (if/then statement).
Included more than 3 references
More than one full page of text.
Conclusions are thorough and detailed with clear connections to the results collected from this lab.
Conclusion addresses many possible sources of error including error range with the approximate high ranges of height of the person who the ola belonged to.
Information needs to be complete, accurate, and summarizes the research project with the appropriate level of specificity to provide concise and useful context to aid the reader’s understanding and defines the scope of the research.


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