This contains an assignment in which you are required to conduct a client/resident observation: Care Support Module QQl Level 5 Assignment, OC, Ireland

Part A: This contains an assignment in which you are required to conduct a client/resident observation and use your experiences of working in a healthcare setting to write a report using a topic that is listed in the brief.

Ideally, the topics you choose to discuss should be relevant to your chosen field of study and can be used to answer each question in the assignment brief. Your work should show evidence of relevant reading around each topic. Your work must be clearly referenced and include a bibliography.

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Part Two: This contains a Learner Brief which requires you to reflect on your practice and outline the key areas of your personal learning. You are required to use Gibbs reflection cycle you will provide a written account of each task. These can be based on your past experiences in working in healthcare.

Record your findings objectively under the following headings:

  1. Client profile – Provide detailed background information, e.g., age, living in care home/independently, mobility, illness/condition, family support or alone, medication etc.
  2. Provide a detailed account of the challenges experienced by the client in relation to the chosen category above Note the areas in which he/she demonstrated competence (what they can do well) and confidence.
  3. Describe the measures/interventions that are presently being employed to meet the client’s needs.
  4. Provide realistic suggestions to improve the quality of life of the client by: – making suggestions of actions or interventions the MDT could make
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