The difference between the American cultural ideal and the cultural reality

  What is the difference between the American cultural ideal and the cultural reality? Your essay should consist of 1) an introduction stating the problem of
The post The difference between the American cultural ideal and the cultural reality first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


What is the difference between the American cultural ideal and the cultural reality? Your essay should consist of 1) an introduction stating the problem of real vs. ideal culture, as well as the five elements of nonmaterial culture, 2) a discussion of what you think the “ideal” American cultural model is, being sure to identify the main symbols, values, beliefs and norms that you think are important, 3) a discussion of the American “reality”, i.e. how people act in daily life—provide evidence for this from reliable sources (NOT Wikipedia, fake news, etc.), and cite these, and 4) a brief concluding paragraph.

The post The difference between the American cultural ideal and the cultural reality first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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