Select a brand of your choice and critically evaluate its current marketing strategy in the UK. This may include such information as macro and micro environmental analysis as relevant to the brand, background and historical information of the brand, its current market performance and a detailed analysis of its market

MARKETING Assessment Guide The assessment for MK is split into two elements and will require students to demonstrate the learning outcomes as outlined in the module handbook.
Assessment methods which enable students to demonstrate the learning outcomes for the module; please define as necessary:
Group Portfolio (20-minutes per student, 1,000 words per student) Individual Report (3,000 words) Weighting: 30% 70% Learning Outcomes demonstrated: 4, 7, 3, 5, 6, 8 1, 2 Task 1: Group Portfolio Weighting – 30% Due date – 30 th November 2022 by 12.00noon – submit posters to Turnitin – In-class presentations between 16.00 – 19.00 Learning outcomes assessed: 4, 7, 3, 5, 6, 8 In groups of 3 students, you are required to prepare a Poster and a 20-minute oral presentation that responds to the following statement:
Select a brand of your choice and critically evaluate its current marketing strategy in the UK.
This may include such information as macro and micro environmental analysis as relevant to the brand, background and historical information of the brand, its current market performance and a detailed analysis of its marketing strategies.
Based on such analysis, the group is to make 2-3 recommendations to the brand which will enable it to enhance the value on offer.
Your analyses should be presented in the form of an A1 Poster. In so doing, your poster presentation should provide the following details:
2 • The historical background, origin and introduction to the firm • A brief insight into the firm’s current marketing operations • Segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies in the UK • Marketing mix strategies in the UK • Key recommendations It is expected that in analysing your poster and framing your presentation, you will draw on the marketing theories and relevant literature.
Your arguments and analysis must be based on strong secondary research gathered from credible sources (both academic and industry based).
Primary research is not required for this project.
The poster presentation will be delivered live, in class. The presentation will take 15 minutes followed by a 5 minutes Q&A. Please note that on or before presentation day you must also hand in/email the Group Work Diary (a diary with record of all group meetings, attendee information, tasks set out and accomplished or outstanding) to your Lecturer.
Assessment Criteria:
Task 1 Criteria Weight Introduction to the brand, context setting 10%
Analysis of macro and micro environment 15%
Analysis of marketing strategies 20%
Ability to engage with marketing literature 15%
Quality of Poster (Creativity, Style)+ 10% Quality of presentation* 20%
Evidence of group participation 10% +Clear Introduction – to be given with aim and objectives (if necessary) Logical Sequence of material – ensure that the material is in a logical order (flow) Depth of research
– Ensure that the depth of research is appropriate for the level of study Use of visual aids
– Please consider the visual design of the poster, and pay attention to themes and colour Reference List
– You are required to provide a reference list at the end of your presentation in the Harvard style Citation
– Please ensure you use in-text referencing *Appearance
– Dress appropriately for the type of presentation Eye contact
Make sure that you do not speak too slowly or too quickly
3 Task 2: Individual Report Weighting – 70% Word limit – 2500 words max Due date – 15 th December 2022 by 12.00noon – submit reports to Turnitin Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2 You have been provided with the following case study: Red Bull Spreads its Wiiings by Nader Tavassoli. Read and evaluate the case study and the associated material provided.
Based on your evaluation, write an academic report that fulfils the following: – Outline the unique marketing strategies undertaken by Red Bull that make the brand stand out.
Ensure that in reflecting on the marketing strategies, you also evaluate the company’s portfolio strategy and its brand architecture choices.
– What is unique about Red Bull’s brand building and consumer engagement approach?
– How do you evaluate Red Bull’s brand stretch into The Organics and AlphaTauri fashion brand?
– Critically, could the company’s carefully honed marketing formula be successfully deployed in these new ventures, or do they require a different approach?
You can structure the report as you please but please ensure that the report has a title page (with title and student number), a contents page, an introduction, body, conclusions and recommendations, reference list and appendices.
Assessment Criteria: Task 2 Criteria Weight Introduction to the brand, context setting 10%
Case Analysis (current strategies) 25%
Case Analysis (Brand stretch and new ventures) 25% Ability to engage with marketing literature 20%
Quality of writing style 10%


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