eflect on the questions below and write out your responses in paragraph form. A

eflect on the questions below and write out your responses in paragraph form. A reflection paper combines a critical analysis with your personal reaction to the assigned reading. This kind of paper is more personal, less formal, and does not require research beyond the texts to which you are responding. Instead, it requires you to read closely, to reflect upon the reading, and to examine the intersections between the reading, the course, and your own personal experiences.
As you write, it is always important to recognize for whom you are writing. In this instance, you are presenting your reflections to your professor who may not share in your personal experiences. Your answers should reflect that you have considered how to confidently transfer your thoughts to this sort of reader.
Be sure to completely answer each question.
1) This course is entitled “Religion Matters.” How do you interpret this phrase? What does it mean for a religion to matter or not matter? Why do you think this? (Do not use a dictionary definition as your definition. In fact, don’t ever do this in your papers in college. Explain this phrase using your own thoughts and words.)
2) Looking at the syllabus (especially at the four unit titles and the individual class topics), what do you think this course would say “Religion Matters” means?
3) What is the aim of a La Salle education and how do you expect a religion course called “Religion Matters” to help fulfill that aim based on the syllabus and DFW’s speech?
4) What do you anticipate will be least valuable about this course? Do not say that nothing is least valuable. I want to see a critical interpretation of the syllabus here.


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