Q1: # 45 Apple iPads in Schools : application problem on numerical measures. Apple iPads in Schools. The New York Times reported that Apple has unveiled a new iPad marketed specifically to school districts for use by students (The New York Times website). The 9.7-inch iP

Business Statistics

Module 2 Assignment

Please answer the following questions

Q1: # 45 Apple iPads in Schools : application problem on numerical measures.

Apple iPads in Schools. The New York Times reported that Apple has unveiled a new iPad marketed specifically to school districts for use by students (The New York Times website). The 9.7-inch iPads will have faster processors and a cheaper price point in an effort to take market share away from Google Chromebooks in public school districts. Suppose that the following data represent the percentages of students currently using Apple iPads for a sample of 18 U.S. public school districts.

15 22 12 21 26 18 42 29 64 20 15 22 18 24 27 24 26 19

  1. Compute the mean and median percentage of students currently using Apple iPads. A
  2. Compare the first and third quartiles for these data.
  3. Compute the range and interquartile range for these data.
  4. Compute the variance and standard deviation for these data.
  5. Are there any outliers in these data?
  6. Based on your calculated values, what can we say about the percentage of students using iPads in public school district.

Your Answer:


Q2. # 59 Smoke Detector Use and Death Rates : application problem on measures of association between two variables.

Smoke Detector Use and Death Rates. Over the past 40 years, the percentage of homes in the United States with smoke detectors has risen steadily and has plateaued at about 96% as of 2015 (National Fire Protection Association website). With this increase in the use of home smoke detectors, what has happened to the death rate from home fires? The file SmokeDetectors contains 17 years of data on the estimated percentage of homes with smoke detectors and the estimated home fire deaths per million of population.

  1. Do you expect a positive or negative relationship between smoke detector use and deaths from home fires? Why or why not?
  2. Compute and report the correlation coefficient. Is there a positive or negative correlation between smoke detector use and deaths from home fires? Comment.
  3. Show a scatter plot of the death rate per million of population and the percentage of homes with smoke detectors.


Your Answer:


Module 3 – Assignment

Q1: # 27 Social Media: application problem on relationships of probability.

A marketing firm would like to test-market the name of a new energy drink targeted at 18- to 29-year-olds via social media. A study by the Pew Research Center found that 35% of U.S. adults (18 and older) do not use social media (Pew Research Center website, October 2015). The percentage of U.S. young adults age 30 and older is 78%. Suppose that the percentage of the U.S. adult population that is either age 18–29 or uses social media is 67.2%.

  1. What is the probability that a randomly selected U.S. adult uses social media?


  1. What is the probability that a randomly selected U.S. adult is aged 18–29?


  1. What is the probability that a randomly selected U.S. adult is 18–29 and a user of social media?


Your Answer:


Q2: # 37 Giving Up Electronics: application problem on conditional probability.

A 2018 Pew Research Center survey found that more Americans believe they could give up their televisions than could give up their cell phones (Pew Research website). Assume that the following table represents the joint probabilities of Americans who could give up their television or cell phone.

  1. What is the probability that a person could give up her cell phone?


  1. What is the probability that a person who could give up her cell phone could also give up television?


  1. What is the probability that a person who could not give up her cell phone could give up television?


  1. Is the probability a person could give up television higher if the person could not give up a cell phone or if the person could give up a cell phone?





Q2: Consider a sample with data values of 10, 20, 12, 17, and 16. Compute the variance and standard deviation.




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