Unit34 Digital Marketing Assignment 3500 words

Unit 34 Digital Marketing Assignment Brief

The recommended length of this submission is 3500 words

Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Investigate the influence of the digital environment for the effective marketing of business organisations
LO2 Apply digital tools and techniques for an integrated marketing approach within a given business organisation
LO3 Design a digital marketing campaign using multimedia to optimise content that targets key audiences
LO4 Evaluate methods of monitoring and measuring a digital marketing campaign in line with marketing objectives to increase engagement and conversions

Scenario and Activity:

You are working as a digital marketing analyst, for a marketing consultancy company that provides marketing consultancy to medium and large organisations, both at national and international level. Your company has now been approached by the choice of your large/medium size organisation, who is thinking of establishing or enhancing their presence in the digital world. As a result, you are required to write a report to the marketing head of your chosen organisation on the various aspects of digital marketing.

The report should start by demonstrating a critical analysis of digital marketing, particularly covering opportunities and challenges for business organisations in the digital marketing landscape to draw valid conclusions for effective marketing of business organisations. The report must apply digital tools and techniques and analyse their effectiveness for an integrated marketing approach within the selected business organisation especially in terms of reach, impact and cost.

Additionally, the report needs to create a creative multimedia digital marketing campaign that integrates and optimizes multi-digital channels to reach target key audiences, capture interest and inspire ‘call to action’. Overall, the campaign should provide a seamless customer experience and apply appropriate measures and performance metrics aligned to digital marketing objectives.

To conclude the report, you should critically evaluate the application of key digital measurement techniques and performance metrics used in digital marketing.

Assignment Structure


Purpose of the assignment report.
Brief overview of the assignment scenario.
Brief overview of your selected company

The company history, Company’s Vision and Mission Statement.
Description of the product/service/brand(s).
What are the Company’s core competencies?

Any limitation of the report ( optional)
Structure of the report (i.e. what will be discussed in the each section of this report).

Digital Marketing Landscape.

Provide a critical analysis of the digital marketing landscape and draw valid conclusions mainly about opportunities and challenges that digital marketing presents for effective marketing of business organisations.
Some of the opportunities that should be covered are given below. Your report should analyse at least 4 opportunities :

Business establishment and growth (Increased reach).
Effective targeting.
Greater flexibility.
Better measurement and analytics
Enhanced customer engagement

24/7 Service availability due to online presence
Customer support
Enhanced communication

Lower Cost.
Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing and how it impacts digital campaigns, e.g. personalisation.
The growth of ‘micro-moments’ and their impact on business

Some of the challenges that should be covered are given below. Your report should analyse at least 4 challenges :

Increased competition
Rapidly changing technology
Increasing regulation & Privacy concerns
Digital ad fraud.
Poor planning and lack of clear objectives by the organisation can affect the effectiveness of Digital Marketing (DM).
Limited budget to pursue DM activities & Staffing challenges.
Problem of integrating digital marketing channels/technology with new ways of working and delivering services in the organization.
Negative use of consumer power can harm/damage brand reputation and drive off customers and sales potential – eg, Negative review

Digital Tools and Techniques

Explain the concept of integrated marketing approach.
Analyse the effectiveness of applying an integrated marketing approach and the benefits this has for your selected organisation.
Provide examples of key digital tools, platforms and techniques that your selected organisation can use in its integrated marketing approach. Some of the tools, platforms and techniques that should be considered are given below. Your report should analyse at least four of them. The analysis should include description, benefits, and disadvantages of each. In particular, discuss their effectiveness in terms of reach, impact and cost:

Social media marketing (SMM).
Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Email Marketing.
Content Marketing.
Video marketing.
Paid Search.
Affiliate Marketing.
Mobile Marketing.
Google Analytics.

Discuss how digital marketing tools, techniques and platforms can support development of integrated marketing approach for your selected organisation.

Multimedia Digital Marketing Campaign

Using SOSTAC Model, create a multimedia digital marketing campaign (MDMC) that provides a seamless customer experience and applies appropriate measures and performance metrics aligned to digital marketing objectives.

Your designed MDMC should integrate and optimise multi-digital channels to reach target key audiences, and apply a creative concept to capture audience interest and inspire ‘call to action’, in order to achieve digital marketing objectives.

Digital measurement techniques and performance metrics used in digital marketing campaign.

Provide critical evaluation of the application of key digital measurement techniques and performance metrics used in digital marketing. Some of them that you should considered but not restricted to are :
Website Analytics:

Website Traffic, Bounce rate, Conversion rate etc

Social Media Metrics

Reach, engagement, follower growth, Click-Through Rate (CTR), Social media conversion rate etc.

Email Marketing Metrics:

Open rate, conversion rate, unsubscribe rate etc

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Metrics:

Backlinks, Keyword rankings, organic traffic, etc

Advertising Metrics:

Cost per Click ( CPC), Click-Through Rate (CTR), Return on Ad spent ( ROAS)

Give some advantages and disadvantages associated with your recommended metrics to measure the digital marketing campaign that you have designed. 


Summarise the key points you have covered. You should not introduce any new material here.



Your reference list should list, in alphabetical order by author, all published sources referred to in your report. You must use Harvard referencing system.

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