Below you will find two primary narrative documents. Individually, please read t

Below you will find two primary narrative documents. Individually, please read these carefully, annotating and taking copious notes. Pay particular attention to gaps in understanding and try to fill in the implied blanks that are missing while figuring out what the document represents. These documents have been provided by the Library of Congress FWP archives. Once, you have critically read each narrative, begin your video discussion of the two. This discussion should be an in-depth and rich examination of the details of these texts. In your discussion, please explore and address the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How questions about these documents, their context, and their creation. Please use and reference this handout on the rhetorical “triangle” situation as a tool for your analysis (Composer/Writer, Audience, & Purpose/Subject)Links to an external site.. Feel free to disagree with each other and always ground your interpretations in textual evidence. Remember that everything you need to understand these documents is within the texts. This means digging deep and critically analyzing.


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